I have read it, I just… have a different point of view here. Oda will have his reason to delay it, maybe he wants to clear something first, maybe he isn’t in best shape right now and just cut it into the necessary things, I don’t know. But I can even enjoy this kind of chapters, there can’t be only hype chapters.
Sometimes it is like watching Godzilla. I know the story is bull, but I enjoy it for what it wants to be. One piece is no Shakespeare Epos.
Also I don’t think the chapter is to bad, Nami got the power up we asked for, the war slowly changes into the direction of the samurai, it’s symbolic how some desperation switches sides.
At first ad raid, it was only a small boat with some samurai, one of them a traitor, the desperation was unmeasurable. It felt done way before the raid even started. But then Luffy and the others appeared, the samurai came. Peu a peu the numbers switch and oda is preparing to break the enemies. Their first high ranked people fall, the yonkos get their first wounds, have betrayal in their own armies and suddenly even his daughters goes against Kaido. Sometimes the bigger picture makes a chapter.
Additionally, we have really some
Crybabies here which cry a chapter would be bull, or oda is a shit writer, just with the slightest point not fitting their headcanon. Some of them, I guess, just don’t want to like one piece at first place. Kinda like the kids which were always against everything, just because it’s cool.
This sometimes have some sort of influence in the point of view.