Will you take the vaccine for covid?

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Go learn about black plage mortality rate and then compare it to the corona.
The results will shock you.
Back then they didn't have a clue about disease prevention and spreading. They believed if you drop some blood you should be okay. They had no concept of masks or hygiene like we have today or any access to information on how to combat the thing of that it is even coming. A trader in France had no clue there is a disease in Italy and had no way to prepare, we did have time to prepare.

And when the disease hit them it hit hard. And if you know your history you would know that in those times people would actually isolate themselves and social distance - One of my fav books Decameron is literally 10 people going outside of town to escape the disease

Their ignorance led to the Black Plague killing millions until it just went away bcs it had no one else to kill.

Fast forward few decades Europeans discover America and a common cold decimates Aztec and Incan civilization same as North American Indian tribes.

Even when Spanish flu hit it didn't stop bcs the people in charge ignored it until Spanish were the first ones to recognize it thus it was named Spanish flu despite it now having an origin there

And now, after so many dead when we finally have technology to cure these plagues we have people like you that see 1 article on internet that suits them and then 99 that say otherwise and cherry pick it to prove your point. And you believe some dude on facebook or reddit with no medical knowledge over a doctor with decades in practice

If your car broke down, would you talk down to your mechanic? Ofc not, but bcs you guys are obsessed with being "free" and "natural" it is the reason why this shit has been going on for so long, bcs yo selfish ass can't bother to put a mask and do your part so that the society can return to live normally
And now, after so many dead when we finally have technology to cure these plagues we have people like you that see 1 article on internet that suits them and then 99 that say otherwise and cherry pick it to prove your point.
You dont know what you are injecting,
The scientists dont know what will happen in 6 months.
Do you know why the pharma companies have no liability?
Because they dont know what could happen either.
They say here is this thing, if you grow a unicorn down the line we arent at fault.

There is nothing wrong with not injecting yourself with a thing that hasnt been properly tested.
Specially if it is not needed.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
You dont know what you are injecting,
The scientists dont know what will happen in 6 months.
Do you know why the pharma companies have no liability?
Because they dont know what could happen either.
They say here is this thing, if you grow a unicorn down the line we arent at fault.

There is nothing wrong with not injecting yourself with a thing that hasnt been properly tested.
Specially if it is not needed.
I can go outside right now and got hit by a car. Nothing safe or certain.

At least I am not delusional to believe I am more right than the entire medical field this world can offer
Like i said most of them had other health issues. There are tons of statistics out there. There are risk groups that have a much higher risk of having to fight with the virus or even die from it. Which are usually older people and people who already have health issues.

Sorry, but are you too stupid to read or something? YOU AGAIN IGNORED EVERYTHING I SAID AND JUST CALL ME SELFISH AND WHAT NOT!
You litereally ignored this whole part of my comment AGAIN...
Sorry but are too stupid to educate yourself or something? Did you even finish high school? How did you do in math when your teacher taught probability?

You are MUCH less likely to spread the virus if you took the vaccine. Yall come up with all these excuse not to take it and still want to go outside to spread something you don't even know you have.

I did read the comment it was ignorant, along with everything else you stated. Which is why I said bye, so bye.
Sorry but are too stupid to educate yourself or something? Did you even finish high school? How did you do in math when your teacher taught probability?

You are MUCH less likely to spread the virus if you took the vaccine. Yall come up with all these excuse not to take it and still want to go outside to spread something you don't even know you have.

I did read the comment it was ignorant, along with everything else you stated. Which is why I said bye, so bye.
It's honestly hilarious how you guys get all aggressive, because all you act on is emotions. Calm the fuck down.
You are telling me i am selfish, because appearently i don't care about the people around me, because i don't want to take the vaccine, which based on your words would ''protect'' everybody else too - which is comeplete BS. You have no fucking right to talk about me and act like you know anything about me, because your little fragile emotions can't handle someones own opinion and RIGHT to choose for themselfs.
So now explain to me mister math and biology professor, how am i protecting others by taking the vaccine, when there is stil a change you can get it??? As long as there is a chance, you are not safe from someone who took the vaccine. Now why do you even bitch about me for not ''protecting anybody'' - which is a retarded statement in itself? The ones who want to be safe take the vaccine themselfs.

You are putting me out there as if i decide over the lives of you and others. YOU decide for yourselfs, don't blame others. You don't feel safe? Then it's on YOU to take the vaccine, not me or anybody else.

You and the other emotional wrecks on here who abuse people and pretty much force others into taking a chemical that was tested only a few months with unknown future risks.
You wanna take it? TAKE IT AND STFU!!! What do you even fucking care for? You are ''safe'', so what do you attack the people who don't wanna take it for? It's their own lifes, it's their own decision! YOU don't know what's best for them! YOU don't decide for them! So don't fucking try acting like you know what they need and what's better for them! YOU DON'T KNOW IT NOR DO YOU DECIDE IT!
Called me stupid but he doesn't like when I do the same. I didn't even read pass the first sentence, not even worth it.

Calling people stupid, idiots, retards over multiple sides, when i answered in a respective way.

Once you cross the line and i call you stupid, because of the BS you are spreading, you cry? What a fucking hypocrite.

But ofc you stop reading it. Once someone has no answer, just ignore and laugh. I am sure it will make you feel better. Fucking snobs.
Ohhhh the ignorance... it's what anti vaxers do.. find holes in the norm and then not come up with any solutions to the actual problem...

For those crediting donald trump with warp speed, did you all listen to the shit he recommneded before

ingesting bleach
disinfectant ".... I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute"
UV light on the human body


Lazy is the way
We're all going to die one day anyway retard and I'm not scared of a virus, my dad got it and is fine and if I get it I'll low diff it, now go run to your vaccines, fucking weaklings.
Calm down, we let you discuss things and share your different point of views but no names calling etc


Lazy is the way
We're all going to die one day anyway retard and I'm not scared of a virus, my dad got it and is fine and if I get it I'll low diff it, now go run to your vaccines, fucking weaklings.
Are you saying that those who died from the COVID are weaklings ? Are you disrespecting all those people and their families who lost relatives ? Why ? Because they hadn’t your immune system ?

I am glad that your dad ended up okay after the disease but some people didn’t have that chance.

I advice you to think before posting and respect people.