Or his claws, shigan & tekkai superiority.
It's not headcanon, just using his logic against him.
>Normal shigan is good enough, thus Jabura doesn't need his claws
Okay, normal rankyaku is good enough, thus Kaku doesn't need his legs or neck
It's that simple, both Kaku AND Jyabura need their other bodily weapons because it enhances their attacks.
Also, Jyabura only utelizing his fighting style when using his DF is just headcanon because we never saw him fight in Base form.
Yes, Kaku uses his legs as swords, the only reason he is able to do this is because he is physically strong enough to since legs are normally blunt limbs that do not have the sharpness of swords.
Kaku being able to use his legs and neck as a weapon, is purely through physical strength and nothing else so don't come at me with this BS trying to downplay the Doriki power system that Oda deliberately added to demonstrate the gap between the top 2 in CP9, and Lucci himself.
It's not headcanon, just using his logic against him.
>Normal shigan is good enough, thus Jabura doesn't need his claws
Okay, normal rankyaku is good enough, thus Kaku doesn't need his legs or neck

Also, Jyabura only utelizing his fighting style when using his DF is just headcanon because we never saw him fight in Base form.
Yes, Kaku uses his legs as swords, the only reason he is able to do this is because he is physically strong enough to since legs are normally blunt limbs that do not have the sharpness of swords.
Kaku being able to use his legs and neck as a weapon, is purely through physical strength and nothing else so don't come at me with this BS trying to downplay the Doriki power system that Oda deliberately added to demonstrate the gap between the top 2 in CP9, and Lucci himself.
A lot of Kaku's atacks simply cannot be done if he dosent have his swords or a giraffe's long neck.