General & Others Oda Doesn't Have a Power Scaling

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
As the title says, Oda just doesn't have a power scaling. I can go as far as to say Oda's power scaling is very vague by design as implied by how he handles titles:

WB was the World's Strongest Man yet he had an equal in Roger, and was introduced as sick and passed his prime making his full power completely unknown.

Mihawk is the World's Strongest Swordsman yet he has unfinished business with Shanks and his title alone doesn't match his on screen feats.

Kaido is the world's current #1 yet its purposely presented as just a rumor.

Hell, the closest Oda ever came to establishing actual power levels is when BM took out Queen, and even the level gap is vague and unknown.

Another time Oda came close to establishing an actual power scaling is with the Dokuri system and of course, he makes it vague.

That was a quick example of vague and contradictory portrayal so let's look some quick examples of vague and inconsistent feats.

INCONSISTENCIES(please note that the examples below don't necessarily reflect my views. Power scaling opinions are extremly diverse for a reason)

Ace and Jinbe could fight for 5 days.

Jack could fight the minks for 5 days

Akainu and Aokiji fought for 10 days

Oden and Kaido? Fight only lasts less than a day and Kaido almost gets one shotted. That's unlike anything that's ever happened in the series before.

Supernova and Kaido
Kaido no soled Boundman, emphasizing his durability

The Scabbard managed to stab Kaido with ACOA, making the latter scream in pain. Oda brought attention to this accomplishment by having fodder say this:

On the roof, Kidd and Law managed to make Kaido scream like a banshee with a slam and rocks haki either....

Side Note: Killer could hurt him too

Kaido could one shot boundman

Zoro and Law could take the same move without losing consciousness, with Law still being able to fight

Kinemon could take multiple hits to the head and stay conscious

Big Mom without using haki could punch out Queen who is an ancient zoan.

Kidd, a regular guy, could no sell BM's punch

Zoro could one shot Killer

But Killer can take attacks from top tiers no problem

Bonus: don't even want to talk much about Luffy going from being barely able to dodge Base Kaido and gets one shot to being able to take multiple hits from Hybrid Kaido and speed blitzing him while in Base.

Quick Note
One Piece was originally supposed to end in 2002, being just a simple story of Luffy beating the 4 Emperors and becoming the Pirate King. However, the creation of the Shichibukai was the first big decision that caused the series to extend beyond its original lifespan according to Oda.

With extension comes power escalation and with escalation comes power creeps.


Power escalation is obviously where the limits of what characters are capable of increases further and further as a series continues.
°Example 1: each new DBZ villain being much stronger than the last to create a sense of threat.
°Example 2: Destroying a mountain in Dragon Ball was an insane feat of strength. Currently we have beings who can erase entire universes with the flick of a finger.

Power creep is when characters suddenly gain powers or abilities to keep up with ongoing escalation in a series.
°Example: DBZ Piccolo fusing with Kami in the Cell Saga to gain an absurd power boost.

How does Escalation and Creep affect One Piece?

During the East Blue saga, smashing rock and denting steel was seen as legendary.

And Mihawk was introduced in chapter 50 as the strongest swordsman. What was used to portray him as the strongest? HE COULD!!.....deflect bullets and cut a ship....

Quick Note
Not only did Ace destroy 5 ships in Alabasta, Postskip Zoro effortlessly cut a ship in half in Sabody, and Vice Admiral easily slashed bullets and cannons in MF. Even Postskip Tashigi could cut bullets in half.
Mihawk then sweats because of East Blue Zoro's attack. By today's standards, Zoro shouldn't have gotten any such reaction.

We see Zoro get much stronger throughout preskip and fast forward to chapter 560, Mihawk goes from cutting ships to cutting an iceberg as WSS portrayal, an obvious case of power escalation

Quick Note
Postskip, we have guys destroying mountains and splitting continents, lifting islands etc. which only serves to once again, make Mihawk look unimpressive by comparison.
Lets not onto Luffy. Preskip Luffy could be a threat to "high tiers" like BB and Magellan.

The same BB who could do this:
And the same Magellan who had Jinbe and Crocodile not wanting to mess with him.

Preskip Luffy was also no match for a pacifista and needed his entire crew to barely win, aka Pacifista>Yami Teach and Magellan?

Postskip Luffy became so powerful that he can EASILY one shot a Pacifista.

Zoro and Sanji could do the same

Postskip Luffy(G23) should be solid "high tier" right? Nope...he was helpless against them instead:

Even Luffy's power up wasn't enough

So is Magellan weak by postskip standards? Is Jinbe weak? But Jinbe had an even scuffle with postskip Luffy and Jinbe ran away from Magellan. BB? Preskip Luffy sent him flying but Postskip Luffy(at the start of the timeskip) is still portrayed weaker than Ace who lost to BB....just a power creep and nothing else. Power escalation leads to power creeps.


The full power of the Monster Trio is completely unknown at the start of time skip and we get to Punk Hazard. We're introduced to completely new characters and reintroduced to old ones.

°Smoker, who's full power is completely unknown, is used as a hype tool for Law who's full power is also unknown.
°Luffy who's full power is unknown is used as a hype tool for Caesar and Monet who's full power is also unknown.
°Sanji who's full power is unknown is used a hype tool for Vergo who's full power is also unknown.

Speaking of Sanji, what about the Vinsmokes? Was it hard to scale them at first? Let's see why.

Sanji's full power was still unknown by the time WCI came around and he dent new character Yonji's face. We are told that its impressive but since we have no idea how strong either character is exactly, we have no idea where they stand on the power hierarchy.

New character Judge then has a circumstantial scuffle with Sanji which leaves Judge a completely unknown factor strength wise just like Yonji.

Remember new character Jack going over the new characters the dukes to show how impressive they are even though we have no clue how strong they are? It continued with Wano with new character Ashura Doji going over Jack. Once again, Jack's full power is unknown and was in base, leaving Ashura Doji as another wild card like many others.

40 image limit really nerfed what I wanted to say but there you have it. Vague portrayal+Inconsistent feats+ constantly escalation and power creeps? Its no wonder One Piece has the most divsere power scaling opinions I've ever seen. I fully expect Kaido and BM's feats to look like nothing later on due to constant escalation. More Franky vs Sasaki anyone?


Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Yup. I said this before and I’ll say it again, Oda doesn’t care about power scaling and character are always as strong as the plot needs them to be. There’s many examples of this in Wano alone lol
Should have put this in the opening post but Oda has stated that he doesn't view OP as a battle shonen and would much rather draw the SHs on the sunny than battles. He also said that fights in Wano would be off paneled so that he can focus more on the story.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Should have put this in the opening post but Oda has stated that he doesn't view OP as a battle shonen and would much rather draw the SHs on the sunny than battles. He also said that fights in Wano would be off paneled so that he can focus more on the story.
He did?
Oh no....:shame:

On a more serious note.
Always has been.
Always will be.
It is known.
Should have put this in the opening post but Oda has stated that he doesn't view OP as a battle shonen and would much rather draw the SHs on the sunny than battles. He also said that fights in Wano would be off paneled so that he can focus more on the story.
well the evidence contradicts Oda’s statement. One piece is without a doubt a battle shonen. Also Oda indeed has off paneled fights but in order to focus more on the Haki power level story lmfao. Oda isn’t making any sense. Oda is well known to lie time and time again.
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This is completely false. Oden was getting hurt by the goons and was getting attacked by Kaido. We even saw Oden get hit by Borobreath. Still inconsistent nonetheless.
By goons do you mean fodder? Also okay he got two shotted congratulations. What’s the difference between getting two shotted and one shotted ?
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Those "world strongest" etc. have to be taken under a certain perspective.

• WB was called "WSM" in the One Piece world when Roger was alive but it was confirmed that Roger and him were equals. Some (I am also there) would argue that Garp was their equal as well.

• WB was introduced as "WSM" in his old age, though he certainly wasn't. And at MF, he couldn't stay with Akainu in a frontal duel for more than a brief period of time and, plot excluded, he would have already been dead after the first heart attack by Akainu's hands.

In his prime, he was indeed at the top but it still doesn't follow the strict definition of "strongest". There is still a rumor part in it.

Under Oda's view, calling someone "the strongest" is something that doesn't necessarily exclude others being exactly as strong as this person.

• Kaido's "strongest creature" is a rumor and nothing more, as I see it. The fact he was seemingly impossible to kill, that he challenged the navy and the emperors, his huge and scary figure, people not knowing what actually happened with Oden, I think all played a part in it. In the One Piece world, there a lot of examples about false rumors. Oda also likes to play on this "he is known to be" line, even in SBS. There are other reasons for why I put other people above him and don't think he is top1, from the timeline of the story where he gets defeated, the relevance of some other characters and more but this would be a long talk lol

• Mihawk's title is definitely, 100% reliable. From it being talked about by other sources (databook), to the core story concept that Mihawk said he will remain at the top and wait for Zoro, to him clealry showing that he is now past other swordsmen like Shanks from his behavior and the vivre card. He is also in his prime. Every element put together, yeah it's obvious that he is the strongest swordsman, period. Just his story and his dynamic with Zoro alone would be enough.
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Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
well the evidence contradicts Oda’s statement. One piece is without a doubt a battle shonen. Also Oda indeed has off paneled fights but in order to focus more on the Haki power level story lmfao. Oda isn’t making any sense. Oda is well known to lie time and time again.
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By goons do you mean fodder? Also okay he got two shotted congratulations. What’s the difference between getting two shotted and one shotted ?
We only saw 2 attacks land on panel. The rest of the battle of off screen. Point is that Oden never got one shot.

Those "world strongest" etc. have to be taken under a certain perspective.
Exactly which is one of the reasons Oda's scaling is very wonky. His treatment of titles leaves too much room for interpretations among the fanbase.

That...explains a lot actually lol
He did?
Oh no....:shame:

On a more serious note.
Always has been.
Always will be.
It is known.
it is acceptable when plotting is strong. But After PS , we did not see any strong plotting also. who cares dof famliy member plotting who care rebacca plotting . we always seen boring plotting unneccesary panel . befor PS , look at how crew share same importance. After PS ,
Luffy got at least two three opponents every arc the others did not get any shit.
Those "world strongest" etc. have to be taken under a certain perspective.

• WB was called "WSM" in the One Piece world when Roger was alive but it was confirmed that Roger and him were equals. Some (I am also there) would argue that Garp was their equal as well.

• WB was introduced as "WSM" in his old age, though he certainly wasn't. And at MF, he couldn't stay with Akainu in a frontal duel for more than a brief period of time and, plot excluded, he would have already been dead after the first heart attack by Akainu's hands.

In his prime, he was indeed at the top but it still doesn't follow the strict definition of "strongest". There is still a rumor part in it.

• Kaido's "strongest creature" is a rumor and nothing more, as I see it. The fact he was seemingly impossible to kill, that he challenged the navy and the emperors, his huge and scary figure, people not knowing what actually happened with Oden, I think all played a part in it. In the One Piece world, there a lot of examples about false rumors. Oda also likes to play on this "he is known to be" line, even in SBS. There are other reasons for why I put other people above him and don't think he is top1, from the timeline of the story where he gets defeated, the relevance of some other characters and more but this would be a long talk lol

• Mihawk's title is definitely, 100% reliable. From it being talked about by other sources (databook), to the core story concept that Mihawk said he will remain at the top and wait for Zoro, to him clealry showing that he is now past other swordsmen like Shanks from his behavior and the vivre card. He is also in his prime. Every element put together, yeah it's obvious that he is the strongest swordsman, period. Just his story and his dynamic with Zoro alone would be enough.
Since Doff scare so mcuh Kaido , he run behind ceaser .
When Yonkou is met first time , we thought what a powerful character.

Luffy made training at Udon , faced YCs at WCI , beated Doff before Kaido.
Zoro made vacation at Wano . Just fought against Killer. And cut the Kaido.
This is sense ??
I agree with half of what you've said, but I have to point out, that the INCONSISTENCY with power scaling in pre-timskip was acceptable, it wasn't annoying or anything that couldn't be overlooked. But in post-timskip it has become completely irresistible, it isn't just power scaling inconsistencies that Oda has turned up to level 1000th, it is also the inconsistency of everything, like literally everything: plot, portrayal, designs, size and shapes, character's personality, character's motivation etc. Oda has undoubtedly earned the status of "THE UNDISPUTED GOD OF INCONSISTENCY," Oda is the most consistent writer to every exist, EVER.

When it comes to the WS titles: I'm glad that you've brought this up, as I've said it many, many times before, THE WS TITLES MEAN NOTHING, THEY'RE SIMPLY HYPE TOOLS JUST LIKE BOUNTIES. While it does damage Zoro's character and his motivation, but unfortunately the WS titles are completely and utterly worthless because Oda made them as such. No WS title holder obtained it by defeating someone else, all of them are imaginary/fake.
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Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
There is power scaling, but Oda just clutters it up with tropes.
Oda doesn't have one in the traditional sense. Stuff like top tiers, high tiers etc. doesn't even help that much in the series anymore and the power difference between the fan made tiers constantly fluctuates.

So like....thers a scaling, but there's no established maximum or minimum requirement for the levels.

I agree with half of what you've said, but I have to point out, that the INCONSISTENCY with power scaling in pre-timskip was acceptable, it wasn't annoying or anything that couldn't be overlooked. But in post-timskip it has become completely irresistible, it isn't just power scaling inconsistencies that Oda has turned up to level 1000th, it is also the inconsistency of everything, like literally everything: plot, portrayal, designs, size and shapes, character's personality, character's motivation etc. Oda has undoubtedly earned the status of "THE UNDISPUTED GOD OF INCONSISTENCY," Oda is the most consistent writer to every exist, EVER.

When it comes to the WS titles: I'm glad that you've brought this up, as I've said it many, many times before, THE WS TITLES MEAN NOTHING, THEY'RE SIMPLY HYPE TOOLS JUST LIKE BOUNTIES. While it does damage Zoro's character and his motivation, but unfortunately the WS titles are completely and utterly worthless because Oda made them as such. No WS title holder optioned it by defeating someone else, all of them are imaginary/fake.
Oh I've never said Preskip is inconsistent: just that it has the standard power escalation. Noticed how I kept comparing preskip scenes to poskskip scenes to show inconsistency like with Luffy pre vs post skip.

As for the titles, I believe @Spoonbillz made a thread talking about that.
Oh I've never said Preskip is inconsistent: just that it has the standard power escalation. Noticed how I kept comparing preskip scenes to poskskip scenes to show inconsistency like with Luffy pre vs post skip.

As for the titles, I believe @Spoonbillz made a thread talking about that.
Yeah, I've noticed it, I'm just saying that in pre-timskip Oda's mistakes were acceptable, they weren't significant or damaging to the story.
Just Oda dont care SH anymore. Just care Luffy. and sometimes oda gave some hype for other character and fan become crazy .d

Since Fishman Island .

Luffy got Howdy , Ceaser , , Colesium , Doff , Katakuri , Cracker , BM short fight at two places , Kaido , Udon fight club.

Let me check others.

Zoro got fish blade guy , monet , pica , killer ( the only serious opponent killer others just warmup )
Sanji got Pageone and Wadasutmi ( wadatsumi with Jimbei)
Robin noone.
Franky got Baby guy.
Chopper noone.
Usopp got Sugar.
Nami got Zeus .dd.d.d.d.d
Brook slept BM.

When rarrly give scene to SH , he preferred to exaggerate. Because dont care what is doing SH at OP .d

And fanboys for two and three opponent. Zoro is better sanji is better franky super .

Oda kidding us .

Just wake up .d