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Bro are you stupid i dnt care sanji will always be over him anyway show me where whos who is queens rival
Literally wanted a spot and looks asf rn ur literally
Guess i was right😂😂but when kaido said the f6 could challenge an all star wsw was confident he could beat them and then later it was shown he wanted to beat queen
How the fuck does that make him his rival are you stupid? Using your logic if i challenge Michael Jordan to a 1v1 i guess im his rival now


Literally wanted a spot and looks asf rn ur literally

How the fuck does that make him his rival are you stupid? Using your logic if i challenge Michael Jordan to a 1v1 i guess im his rival now
Thats ridiculous michael jordan is so great you are insignificant to him but wsw isnt insignificant to queen.
Jinbe>Sanji no wonder jinbe took sanjis place in the last SH group pose.
The truly only thing that sucks is that WsW didn't seem like he was able to show off his full prowess against an opponent. He totally underestimated Jinbe and got wrecked.

Oda either has to throw a curveball and have him recover to fight someone else (ala Ulti getting knocked out by Yamato and then fighting Nami), or that's essentially it since he literally had his bones broken by Jinbe.

But I'm waiting until 1019 to make a final call on that, because there are mad assumptions being thrown around. This had to be the most brutal fight a Strawhat has by by far though, just going by the description. Jinbe is a scary dude.
Be honest you don’t think that Jimbei could beat Queen? Who’s who can easily challenge Queen and is stronger than any Vet. I don’t say that Who’s who could beat Queen but he would at least give Queen the same difficulty he gave Jimbei. Zoro vs Sanji is long history, Luffy and Zoro are on another league, now Sanji and Jimbei play in the same league
Ur delusional
Great now WsW will become ally in the war because of Nika bs
This nika is either connected to luffy or jinbei
And WsW will start licking their boots
How much ally will luffy gets in this raid?
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