One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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Post-TS started with Zoro talking with Rayleigh:tchpepe:
Where the proof ?? It was so irrelevant that Oda offpaneled.

Where is the complementing in this panels btw?
Sanji calling Rayleigh a good trainer and Ray calling Sanji and ( the crew) impressive for getting here. Couldve easily been Zoro and Ray.....but Oda picked Sanji. Wonder why ?:feelsokeman:


This is extremely flawed reasoning... first of all the rocks crew was described as "people who fought and killed each other while being on the same ship"

Whitebeard and Kaido both imply that being on this crew was hell.

Are you saying the paragon of virtue would make a crew where it's fine to kill your own cree mates?

And secondly Momma and Kaido also followed Rocks and they are as evil as it gets so Whitebeard following Rocks has no bearing on how good or bad Rocks was given these evil fucks also followed him
First or all Kaido doesn't kill unless you refuse to cooperate many times.
BM doesn't kill unless you lie or betrays her

He didnt even kill Hyou after many years

Labelling Xebec as someone very bad doesnt work out since WG label anyone with knowledge a heinous criminal
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Where the proof ?? It was so irrelevant that Oda offpaneled.

Sanji calling Rayleigh a good trainer and Ray calling Sanji and ( the crew) impressive for getting here. Couldve easily been Zoro and Ray.....but Oda picked Sanji. Wonder why ?:feelsokeman:
Coz Zoro isnt that much relevant to talk to Rayleigh
There's no good guys and bad guys in one piece
@TheAncientCenturion remind these peeps about Doffy's speech smh

Xebec was probably an anti-hero at best. I thinn he wanted to kill Celestial Dragons but caused too much damage
He was probably a bit like Kid
Lol, in that arc of the story, I actually believe Xebec was Luffy, while Roger was Kid. I mean we can already see Roger's manners in this chapter, we can already remember Garp stating the Roger destroyed an entire country just because someone badmouthed a crew member. That's something a villain does. Roger was the one who killed Squard entire crew.

I can't believe that people see Roger here as the saint who NEVER question if he was actually the right side of the matter or wrong

And NO, I do believe that there is right and wrong, there is good and evil. Doffy's speech is meant to stimulate your thinking, not overtake it and simply become a worshipper. It's meant to make you see the big picture. But doing evil acts, is EVIL, as simple as that, and doing good deeds is good. So, there is good and there is evil.

And One Piece characters fall inbetween those two terms "good and evil". But it's like a scale. Where you can fall ANYWHERE inbetween those two terms. Cause no one is purely good with no bad qualities or purely evil with no good qualities. But in that scale, you can be closer to evil or more far away. but still on the side of evil.

So, te gray area simply is too wide, and you can fall anywhere. But there is evil, and there is good, and Doffy's speech is meant for you to understand the other side of the coin and to understand other people view, but not that whatever you do, it's not evil or good. That's a villain speech after all, just meant to stimulate your thought and not blindly follow him. That's why he's a good villain, cause some people go word by word for him and obey his words LOL


Probably it wasn't even Kaido who killed Oden
Kaido just sat there probably and watched as Orochi shots or cuts Oden

Kaido hasnt shown killing someone powerful, he can beat you or try breaking but killing you is a waste when he wants a strong army

Also Oden willingly sacrificed himself so I guess Kaido had no choice to let orochi do whatever.
Lmaooo, I can't fucking believe it!

These guys are so insecure about the monstrosity of the Admirals that they straight up made "Admiral Kitsune" canon, lmao. That one dude is straight up lying to. The moment a Marine gets a Coat whether you're an Admiral, Vice, or Rear, it always reads " Justice".

I have never ever seen a place more insecure about the Admirals strength than this place

Sengoku Hype:steef:
  • "Garp is an exception"
  • " The Admirals are weaker then Garp"
Once again Prime Sengoku was put on the same pedestal as Garp, now even from the pirate King himself.

The Pirate King admitting that an Admiral is a worthy rival, is just the biggest hype one can get......

Sengoku was acknowledged by Whitebeard and now even Roger, this dude is a fucking Goat, not mentioning that Oda gave him King's Haki.

Do you guys realise something, lol?
The sheer Fleet Admiral hype that Oda continuously giving us ?

What a monster is Sakazuki going to be, I'm not ready!


"Bm is cruel
She killed her son over something "
BM is awful but people should know that the only times she went for the kill is when she in hunger pangs, or when someone betrays her

Even WB wanted to kill Teach for betraying him and crew by killing thatch
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