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Holy Simp

The Destoryer > Michelle > Ryu Kishi
Juliet > Ratchet
Sky > Michelle
T-Pein > Michelle
Dragomir > Michelle
Udell > Michelle
Naomi > Michelle
Alwaysmind > Ratchet
Michelle > Sky
Ryu Kishi > Ratchet

Michelle: 5 (Sky, T-Pein, Dragomir, Udell, Naomi]
Ratchet: 3 (Juliet, Alwaysmind, Ryu Kishi)
Ryu Kishi: 1 (The Destoryer)
Sky: 1 (Michelle)

Actions and votes lock in 47 mins



Holy Simp

"How ironic...Kiryu Coco just graduated from Hololive, leaving the greatest legacy of a VTuber ever behind. She is the biggest inspiration for future VTuber because she was one of the biggest players in the VTube game but she also was the most iconic and individual one, one that dared to break limits! Now it is also her time to graduate from this game...."

[???] activated [Ricky] on [???]
[???] activated [Haachama Cooking] on [???]
[???] activated [Haachama Cooking] on [???]
[???] activated [Asura] on [???]
[???] activated [Stand: Hatotaurus]
[???] activated [7 Finger - "Have confidence!"] on [???]
[???] activated [Marry me Senpai!] on [???]
[???] activated [Apex Predator] on [???]
[???] activated [Tsunomaki Janken] on [???] and [???]
[???] activated [Trasure Hunt]

@Dragomir [Kiryu Coco] has been killed!
@Michelle [???] has been executed!
@Xadlin [Yozora Mel] has been mod-killed!
@Yagoo [Yagoo] has been disabled.

You are Kiryu Coco a.k.a. Kaichou!
You are member of the Bottom-Right Mafia!


[Yakuza] - Kiryu Coco does not shy away from revealing her secret criminal past. She is officially a member of the Yakuza and utilizes their ressources. As that she will use her informants at the end of the day to screen the final vote count and find Shadow Votes and other vote manipulations.

[Crushing Yagoo's dream] - [Redacted]


[Apex Predator] - As one of the Apex Predators, Coco has the ability to project her talents to eliminate fellow VTubers. During the Day she might use her powers and size to voteblock a target and additionally increasing her voting power against that target by 1. If that target survives then all protective abilities occuring on that target during the night will be reduced by one level. If that happens then this ability goes on cooldown for one night.
-----[Dragon] - If Coco ever votes out 3 fellow VTubers with Apex Predator then she may activate this ability to go into her Dragon Form and receive an Ultra Bullet Proof Vest and upgrade her voting power to also break ties for the rest of the game. [1-shot]

[AsaCoco] - AsaCoco is a special chemistry created by Kiryu Coco that can take any shape and might have different effects. She will use an ability on her target symbolically forcing them to consume AsaCoco goods.
-----[Butt Plug] - Coco will force her target to use a Butt Plug. This is a traumatizing experience that will Ultra Kill and Super Rolecrush the target that night. Kiryu Coco will have to perform the faction kill that night - it will be canceled in order to proceed the Butt Plug kill. [1-shot]
-----[Morning Drink]
- The target will be forced to drink an AsaCoco infected drink. They will have their sanity changed into Insane also their next ability hitting Coco will have their level reduced by 1. Coco will be able to make her target overdose with another drink.
-----[Muscle Drink] - The target will be forced to drink an AsaCoco infected drink. They will target a random target that night because they can't control their energy. Coco will be able to make her target overdose with another drink.
-----[Overdose] - A target will overdose after consuming 2 drinks in a row. They will be abducted during the day and Coco is in full control of their voting power that day. She can cast it as Shadow Vote in her role PM or faction chat.

[Holo House] - Kiryu Coco has turned her living place into a Holo House after moving together with a fellow VTuber. As that she regularily invites fellow VTubers for collabs in the Holo House.
Coco can send an invite to 2 fellow VTubers during the day, if they accept then those two will be trapped in the Holo House being forced to collab during the night. If atleast one doesn't accept then the shot gets refund. [2-shots]

[Meme Review] - Kiryu Coco will forcefully target a VTuber at day to have a guaranteed collaboration with them during the night. At night she can reuse the ability to make her target be Super Roleblocked from laughter. They will pass their voting power permanently to Kiryu Coco. This voting power will be shadowfied for Coco. [1-shot]

Win Condition:
Defeat all threats to the Bottom-Right Mafia.


You are Yozora Mel a.k.a. Merumeru!
You are the Bottom-Right Independent!

[Quite Mel] - Mel is a very quite person, it is not only the way she talks most of the time but also when she interacts with other fellow VTubers. Mel may regularily cast her vote in the game thread but it will always count 0. In order to have a vote that counts she has to vote someone in her role PM. A player she votes that way will investigate guilty during the following night.

[Vampire] - Mel is a cute vampire that surprisingly is not into blood. Even if she isn't empowered through blood nor infectious, she still has vampire qualities that give her super human strength.
If Mel participates in voting off a player then she will empower herself at night making herself immune against regular kills and redirections that night.

[Anti Harassment] - Further harassment on Yozora Mel will not be tolerated, she once has been through a dark time in which Cover Corp had to help her resolve troubles and in which she had to go on an undefinite hiatus. If Mel ever gets voted out off the game, then she will survive that first execution and she will get abducted. Mel has to post an announcement through the host and set her comeback time in her role PM (e.g.: Day 5, Night 6), in which she will stop the abduction and come back to the game. If the game ends during her abduction then she will lose the game. Additionally Cover Corp will start an anti harassment campaign in which everyone who participates in voting off a player during the day will investigate guilty during the night. This event ends when Mel is back in the game.


[Konkapu] - Sweet Bites! Mel is so cute an adorable, she would never hurt a fellow VTuber, she would never bite them for blood but maybe for affection. She may bite a target of her choice to either have a -1 Shadow Vote cast on them or protect them during the night. Her target will have their sanity changed to paranoid. [Useable once per cycle]

[Mel Mel Cooking] - The only one to truly rival Haachama! Mel has some weird dishes in her repertoire and she likes to include Acerola juice as she loves it. But does it make sense alongside igredients like Mayonaise, Joghurt and Potato Chips? Mel may cook for target at night granting them a Mel Mel Dish. Their target's sanity will be changed to Insane aswell as those next to them in the playerlist will have their sanity changed to paranoid. They can consume the dish to have a Super Protection granted that night. [3-shots]

[Charade] - During the day an announcement will happen in which players have to guess whom Mel will vote that day. They have to guess the name in their Role PM. If atleast 3 players are correct then Mel will protect her target instead from the execution and frame them to be investigated guilty for the rest of the game. Everyone who guessed right will receive a protection for the night but also have their sanity turned to paranoid. [4-shots]

Win Condition:
8 investigations have been framed throughout the game.
You received the Idol Outfit.

Final Votecount:
Michelle: 3 (Sky, T-Pein, Dragomir, Udell, Naomi, RippedCal]
Ratchet: 2 (Juliet, Alwaysmind, Ryu Kishi)
Ryu Kishi: 1 (The Destoryer)
Sky: 1 (Michelle)
The Destoryer: -1

The fifth collaboration streams will be announced:

@Udell and @Juliet may stream together here:

@Midnight Delight and @T-Pein™ may stream together here:

The Day Phase 5 has ended! Night Phase 5 starts!
You have 23 hours to submit actions! Do not chat in the game thread!
>>>Click for Countdown!!!<<<

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Holy Simp
Baka Mitai!

"It is not common nowadays that the CEO is beloved by his workers and that he amasses his own fandom...Hololive is a bit of a different case here!"

@Yagoo [Yagoo] has been enabled!
@Midnight Delight [Momosuzu Nene] has been mod-killed! (No sub)

You are Momosuzu Nene a.k.a. "Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God 東方不敗 Master Ginga Victory Strong Cute Beautiful Galaxy Baby 無限 無敵 無双 Nenechi"!
You are member of the Haatons! You are member of the Top-Left Town!

[Supernenechi] - Nene is overconfident with her gaming skills, tho her high successrate is a combination of certain talents but also luck. This is why she calls herself Supernenechi. Nene's abilities all have a Super level multiplier on them aslong this is possible.

[Nene's Harem] - Everyone who gets visitted by Nene will autmatically become her wife or husband. Nene is very dominant if it comes to marrying her viewers or fellow VTubers. She will take whatever she wants. Each third cycle if anyone of Nene's wives/husbands died up to that point: Nene will receive a random passive of one random dead wife/husband at the end of the cycle.


[Nene Pro.] - It is short for Nene Productions, her own idol (destruction) company. This ability will automatically apply on the first day. Nene will be able to post a write up alongside the host revealing her as innocent child (town). Players targetting her with supportive or protective abilities will become "Employees" on which she can use abilities on, they will be notified:
-----[President Nene] - That is how her eployees call her occasionally. As the president or CEO she is capable to order and reward her eployees. During the day she may call a target to be voted by the eployees. If all employees vote that target then a Shadow Vote will be cast on it. [1 day cooldown]
- Nene may call out for a demolition job and her eployees may be allowed to move into action! During the day she may call a target to be killed at night. Every employee will learn about that name and until the end of the night they may vote yes/abstain/no. If atleast one "yes" and no "no" are voted then that target will be killed by Nene. [1 day cooldown]
-----[Nene can use either President Nene or Demolition during the night to Jail or Kill one of her employees, she can only kill an employee once in the game, she cant use both actions of either President Nene or Demolition in one cycle]

Win Condition:
Primary: Make Haachama win.
Secondary: Defeat all threats to the Top-Left Town.

Night Phase 5 has ended! Day Phase 6 Starts!
You have 23 hours to submit your day action if any and place your vote!
>>>Click for Countdown!!!<<<
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