One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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Rogers goal to let him catch by the Navy must happen after he see something in the raftel.
In the new chapter he just want die in a epic battle, but later he let himself catch(even Shiki was shocked that he get catch by the Navy) and don´t die as he prefer in the current chapter.
Means he change his mind after he travel with Oden/Toki and see a big information which let him lead to start a new era. I really thing we gonna at least get the information why Roger change his mind.
Yeah makes total sense, I always cite other pirate crews to make arguments about specific pirate crews lol.

Smoothie > Katakuri because Shiryu > Burgess. Unless you actually think totally separate crews should be judged independently? Nah, let’s not get crazy.
that is a pretty well built straw man you have here.
Take an L with dignity for once. Lol
and you dare to drop lines like these on people.
Roger has like one panel.
He was hidden pre ts and only appeared for poneglyph stuff

Prideful WB who look down on everyone ? :seriously:

You skipped Marineford ? :pepeke:
What are you saying?so Roger scenes pre ts with Rayleigh and Garp were about poneglyph stuff? they were way better scenes and Roger actually said some interesting stuff lol

in case of WB of course am talking about how he treat strangers and his enemies, in this flashback his personality is so bland and predictable
so one thing that picks up my interest is by that silhouettes panel, Kouzuki family wasnt considered as one of the 5 great families in Wano... How so?:memehm: or maybe we simply dont have the context yet...

*OH WAIT i forgot they are the daimyo families, and Kouzuki is the Shogun. nvm lmao
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