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Zoro Worshipper
instead i want to know why you felt unconfident and almost defensive when mel and ekko accused you of being suss?
I didn't feel unconfident about defending my stance. You mentioning this is suspicious. I was actually pretty firm in coming up with my stances about them. I thought Usopp was being way too stubborn for the way he addressed that lie detect notion and was firm in highlighting that fundamentally. About Melon, basically the same. I would not even suggest I was defensive in the bad acceptation of the term, as I was supporting a logical argument in both instances and my objective was to counter their accusations with elements that would not simply defend myself but also accuse the accusers.

Oh and by the way, you really seem to sus someone you just suggested could have got low chances to drop scum as per nature too much in my opinion. But yeah the chances are very low if you have read the data I brought.
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