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Zoro Worshipper
I mean how could I hate a Taylor Swift's song...

She is my favourite singer-songwriter...

Guess there are probably no drawbacks in being honest on this one.

[I Love This Song]


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Yo good morning

Vote lynch Fujishiro

vote lynch fujishiro

You all voting for fuji? Why? We need more from you then just this weak push
Bonbon is sus

Lindy claimed miller or joked about it IDK, weird.

Lamp... Not enough to say, Fridge

Oh now I am sus too? What next? Ena and missy too? I think you are going after captains days who are most active first.
I dont trust mine completely at all, have a good feeling about Dest and thats about it.

I asked my team to give me their reads of who they trust in the team in a descending order, then we all brough out our reads from the other players and we came to the conclusion that Lind/Bonbon/Light and FB give off sus vibes.

Id like to start with Lind atm.

Btw who do you feel isnt town in your division?

Elaborate on your reads instead of just naming them?
Jew D Man I dint like his attempt to disregard TACO's claim that maybe the Captains will be using their power to recruit malleable/easily manipulated people and that some will try to recruit atleast 1 scummate per team. It seemed like Jew wanted to direct another narrative, that such a thing would never happen.

Linda Dude claimed Miller second, wayyy after Zara did, he also tried to tell us not to focus too much on D0 interractions and just enjoy the Captain elections. Another attempt at directing the narrative/Flow of the game, and imo couldnt believe he said that shit.

FB Playing like a coward rn, reminds me of the WG Member game.

Mango Is not as overbearing as he usually is, pretty tame. Also kinda almost snuck up to the Captain position instead of Missy. Linda and FB whom i sus voted him.

Bonbon Is passive given all the things that happened, especially considering how he only hopped on one sus train and that was Flowers, but only when Mel and Light started it.

Light My scumdar never failed me when it comes to him yet, i have an odd feeling about him. He's less assertive when scum, he seemed to be blending in for the most part and just asking questions or chiming in over things that were already discussed.

Zara Townread at first for claiming Miller early but not so sure now, I think he might be that Bisoromi Bear sama dude and if he is then he outright lied since the bear claimed 3rd. Or he could be trolling.


I feel oki about her for the most part, i liked her initiative with the vote thing, kinda iffy about her being too trusting rn but she did it before as town.


Okay you did here. Define passive for me? I mean I worked as much hard you did to become captain on a day which had no Lynch but somehow I am passive for you but you aren't? Isn't that hypocrisy Mr. Fuji?

yeah vote fuji, someone on our team got a guilty result on him last night
Now this is interesting. You know why? Coz on N0 most abilities remain disabled. So I find it far fetched that someone in your group got guilty result on fuji.

Now let's assume there is ounce of truth in this. Then why anyone of you will invest fuji first? You are lying Mr. Zara. Have you end up as being scum or are you just trying to justify the votes your members put on fuji?

@TheAncientCenturion your meta is off. You are being friendly and mischievous. You are simply being opportunistic - evident from how you backstabbed captains by breaking member selection rules and now going after captains who are most active. You aren't scum hunting but taking out your biggest threats. That's scummy.

Give me your scum reads. And, with reasons? Btw, you are my top most sus

@Flower I have a question for you. Why you didn't fight for being captain? You always want to lead. I remember that in throne of lies you literally threw a fuss to become king but on D0 you didn't even try to become captain. Why you aren't interested in being captain at all?

Also, you all should look into members who picked sides easily or didn't even put efforts to become captains. That's scummy in my opinion.


Blood Manipulation

Do the math now Hotgod.

What other roles would be connected to Freddy Mercury?

Zowo isn't in this game. So it defaults to Marrymo.
Taco... I may have eaten too many pastas and got a slow brain tonight.

To me it's just the fact that you didn't deny it and the connection to Marimo was your first thought. It to me looks like a indirect confession.


I will never forgive Oda
@TheAncientCenturion your meta is off. You are being friendly and mischievous. You are simply being opportunistic - evident from how you backstabbed captains by breaking member selection rules and now going after captains who are most active. You aren't scum hunting but taking out your biggest threats. That's scummy.

I'm so happy I stopped that dumb collectathon. Scum lookin' around to see which team they get placed in and making plans ahead of time off that, I am more than certain.

Random = better since the players with too much info can't scheme that far in advance
This Fujishiro defence looks disingenous from your part. Are you sticking to this route in that he is your captain rather than realistically suspecting me here?

I mean the cards turned of course. Not only time passed = no one stepped back their votes but the Zara notion also came into play.
realistically suspecting you
you hopped on a wagon that you pride yourself on not hopping on just 30 mins ago
I called it what it was
no reason to townread you off of that

the cards turned with an invest claim you bought into too easily
I dont think so buddy
nat and zara arent really aggressive in making this case the focal point of our lynch either
so uh I feel ok with where I read you at the moment.

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