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Ghost Princess

An ability has been activated and the D1 is ending now.

There will be no lynch.

N1 is also going to be skipped. No actions can be submitted.

We will now be entering an intermission phase. D2 will start tomorrow at 8pm EST



Since a lot of players are improperly asking to join Jewnicorn Fitness, I'm making another announcement concerning it. To become a member of Jewnicorn Fitness, you need to email and you will receive an email from the owner himself to discuss your lifetime membership to a brand new body. And no, you do not actually email that address, you do so in your role pm.

For everyone who asked to join Jewnicorn Fitness, I'll allow you to continue that process during this intermission phase.


- End of Day 1 Vote Count -

Flower - Lindltaylor > TheAncientCenturion > Krogothwolf
Fujishiro - Bonbon > Finalbeta > Light D Lamperouge > Natalija > Midnight Delight
T-Pein™ - Fujishiro > Fujishiro
Natalija - Fujishiro
TheAncientCenturion - Fujishiro > Light D Lamperouge/RippedCal > Krogothwolf > Melontonin
TheKnightOfTheSea - Fujishiro > Krogothwolf
Hayumi - Bonbon > Finalbeta
Finalbeta - Fujishiro
Ekkologix - The Destoryer > Catyberry
Melontonin - TheAncientCenturion > Zara > Natalija
Ena - TheAncientCenturion > Zara > Krogothwolf
Jew D. Boy - TheAncientCenturion > Zara > Krogothwolf
Zem - Zara > Krogothwolf
MangoSenpai - Bonbon
Zara - Melontonin > Krogothwolf > Midnight Delight > Lindltaylor
LANJI CUCKSMOKE - Light D Lamperouge
Marimo_420 - Ena
Udell - Finalbeta > Zara > Krogothwolf
Yagoo - Krogothwolf
Lindltaylor - Krogothwolf > LANJI CUCKSMOKE
Hayumi - Midnight Delight
Bonbon - Krogothwolf

Krogothwolf – 8
Fujishiro – 3
Midnight Delight – 2
Melontonin / Catyberry / Natalija / Bonbon / Lindltaylor / Light D Lamperouge / Ena / LANJI CUCKSMOKE – 1

If I missed anyone's vote, please let me know.

Vote Lynch Lind.
Vote lynch Fujishiro
[Vote Lynch Bonbon]
vote lynch fujishiro
Vote Lynch Fujishiro
[vote lynch destroyer]
Vote Lynch Finalbeta
[Vote Lynch Finalbeta]
[vote lynch @Catyberry ]
vote lynch melontonin
vote lynch krogo
Vote Lynch Natalija
Vote Lynch FinalBeta[/USER]
vote krogothwolf
Vote lynch Krogothwolf
[Vote Lynch Midnight]
Vote lynch midnight
Vote Lynch Midnight
vote lynch lindltaylor


Ghost Princess
Fruit Squad, Assemble! -

@Lindltaylor has revealed himself as [MangoSenpai] and he has assembled the Fruit Magic Knight Squad! This is a brand new magic knight squad that is looking for some new members to join. Everybody is invited, even Captains of other squads. @Lindltaylor will be the Captain of this squad. If you wish to join the Fruit Squad, say so in your role PMs!


The [Taboo Word] is now active!

Your WG trivia question for this day is...
When was the last sword and admiral chapter published?

It is now Day 2.
You have 24-hours to discuss.
Countdown Timer.



Arbiter of Truth
Fruit Squad, Assemble! -

@Lindltaylor has revealed himself as [MangoSenpai] and he has assembled the Fruit Magic Knight Squad! This is a brand new magic knight squad that is looking for some new members to join. Everybody is invited, even Captains of other squads. @Lindltaylor will be the Captain of this squad. If you wish to join the Fruit Squad, say so in your role PMs!


The [Taboo Word] is now active!

Your WG trivia question for this day is...

It is now Day 2.
You have 24-hours to discuss.
Countdown Timer.

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