What do you guys think Yamato's mythical devil fruit is?

  • Kirin/Qilin

    Votes: 81 32.3%
  • The Amaterasu Wolf from Ōkami

    Votes: 110 43.8%
  • Lion King

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • Something else

    Votes: 32 12.7%
  • Dragopuppy is a slow mod

    Votes: 4 1.6%
  • TACy is even worse

    Votes: 14 5.6%

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I believe this has already been explained. But Luffy hasn't gone all out just yet. That much is very clear unlike Zoro.
Also Luffy is the only person who has come close to actually being able to challenge Kaido in 1v1 until Yamato.
The ones who explained that were wrong because they're focused only on Zoro's strongest attack and ignored the fact he was weaken and severely injured at the time. It was because of his condition that we didn't get the chance to see his true strength. Remember, it took 2 Yonkos to put him in that condition.

I talked about Zoro's true power in a previous post which I'm adding to this post.

there's a lot to show that they are equal, at least.
An extremely weaken and injured Zoro who still scarred Kaido. So many people love to focus on the facts Zoro used the strongest attack but overlook the condition he was in.

Remember, the manga implied Zoro flying dragon blaze could permanently scar Kaido. If that's true then could his other high end attacks do the same? Can he use barrier haki to clash with Kaido adv CoC attacks in a similar way he used it to block hakai? We still don't know how long you can use asura or how many times he can use it in battle? There's a lot of questions that haven't been answered and if you really want to know how strong he is then those questions need to be answered.
You can see from my post that Zoro has the potential to fight Kaido for 30 minutes or more in a 1v1 battle. I'm not saying that Zoro can beat Kaido alone but in a group battle with Luffy and even Yamato they should give Kaido an incredible difficult fight and Zoro the opportunity to grow stronger. They could attack Kaido together or take turns that way when one gets exhausted the other one steps in. There's a lot of different ways Oda could write that type of battle.

Dude , i am sure about zoro can do all of thing. but not right now.
Luffy has totally been failed so far. But you missed one point. before last KO , luffy learned coc coating and gave hurt Kaido . And he was not even G4 tier. Also , come on , star of one piece is Luffy .
But zoro did not even noticed he has a coc righ now . how can you expect zoro will use coc very effectively.
By the way,
Zoro has a great three potential skills. But zoro will face BB , Shanks and Mihawk crew .
assuming all three potential come true to kill Kaido . What will oda write about zoro to improve skill rest of arc.
three arc three skills . that is logic .
You're right, Zoro can't do those things right now but doesn't mean he can't learn to those things during Wano. It's common for Zoro to grow stronger during battle, but for that to happen he has to fight an opponent that can push him to his limit. Since everybody, well at least Wano citizens, wants Kaido dead and he failed to kill Kaido he now knows what his limitation is which creates the perfect opportunity for him to grow stronger during this war.

That growth could come from facing Kaido or King.

I'm pretty sure I've already explained to you, if not another person, in another post what I believe Zoro needs to kill Kaido. I also talk about this post while I believe Luffy can't kill Kaido. Here's that post.

Yamato looking like Inuyasha sister.

What Zoro accomplished was completely different than what Kiku did. Zoro permanently scarred Kaido. A feat achieved by only one other person throughout the entire manga, Oden.

Kiku slightly injured Kaido, who quickly healed the injury. Kiku feat was repeated by every other Scabbard plus Luffy, Kid, Killer, and Law.

I always find it funny how some compare Zoro to Kiku when they try to downplay him instead of using any of the other Scabbards.

Zoro hasn't prroved his worth to himself yet because his goal wasn't to scar Kaido. Instead, it is to kill Kaido. That's part of the reason he will return and fight Kaido again.

Kaido has been beaten several times. Oda told us about all his losses when he officially introduced him. He is no stranger to defeat. Defeating Kaido won't be enough to stop him because he will return. Remember, he stated he picked Wano for a reason. Zoro is the only one capable of killing him. Not right now but in the future. Regardless of who Zoro fights next, he will use it to improve his skills/control over enma and CoC.

I believe the only way to kill Kaido is to hit him with an attack powerful enough to kill him in one blow. Anything less won't kill him. It might severely injure him, it might defeat him, but it won't kill him because he will recover. I think that will be achieved by having Zoro combine a large overflowing amount of haki with powerful adv CoC attack.

Flying dragon blaze 2.0 incoming.
Oda could very realistically have Zoro grow stronger during Wano by having him face Kaido again or King. Personally, I believe it's going to be King who I believe will be much stronger than we realize.

King has potential to be incredibly strong and a interesting character. He's a swordsman in Wano so he should have powerful swordsmanship and CoA. He's an ancient Zoan which should give him incredible physical strength, durability, recovery and speed since he's a pterodactyl type. If he has awakening he's going to be even harder to permanently put down. Those power should make him incredibly powerful and hard to defeat. Even stronger than Marco. That alone could force Zoro to master enma so he doesn't waste energy and haki.

Being Kaido's high end YC he could have CoC. If he has CoC it could be be used to help Zoro learn to control his CoC. I would love to see a CoC clash between those two.

Then of course we know he comes from a nearly extinct race. We don't know if that could get him some unique powers. It could just be the power of flight in his base mode, which we have already seen. Another fan believed he could be a former impel down Warden or some other high-end jailer because his uniform has skulls similar to Shiryu's uniform skulls. That would make sense because he does like to torture people and they do torture prisoners in that jail. If he does turn out to be a former warden or other high end jailer that would further hype up his strength.

PS: Even if Zoro does create a black blade there's still room for further growth. He would still have two more black blades to forge. He might get a new sword at the end of Wano. I believe the second generation demon splitter was introduced for Zoro to eventually obtain it. I believe Zoro's physical strength where drastically improved during Elbaf. Wano improves his haki and Elbaf is physical powers.
yamato is such an ass character my god. if he were a dude instead of big booby girl, he would be out of top 100 character. "i am oden" shit is cringe. show don't tell is the number 1 rule of storytelling. we were told kaido abused yamato. we really didn't get to see her struggle. so why the fuck would i give a shit about this 1 vs 1 fight?? also since when yamato cares so much about wano's people? oda didn't show it either........she talked with ace for 5 minutes about luffy and now believes in him?! remember it took multiple arcs for robin and nami to get to that point? thats why it felt so awesome......

oda is writing wano for 110 chapters and yet every character seems underdeveloped and rushed. yamato is speed running her "nakama development"........ oda could have only focused on strawhats power up, kid and 3-4 scabbards instead of focusing on hundreds of characters, wasting page on big mom, tama, yamato all these bullshit characters...


The Rogue Prince
yamato is such an ass character my god. if he were a dude instead of big booby girl, he would be out of top 100 character. "i am oden" shit is cringe. show don't tell is the number 1 rule of storytelling. we were told kaido abused yamato. we really didn't get to see her struggle. so why the fuck would i give a shit about this 1 vs 1 fight?? also since when yamato cares so much about wano's people? oda didn't show it either........she talked with ace for 5 minutes about luffy and now believes in him?! remember it took multiple arcs for robin and nami to get to that point? thats why it felt so awesome......

oda is writing wano for 110 chapters and yet every character seems underdeveloped and rushed. yamato is speed running her "nakama development"........ oda could have only focused on strawhats power up, kid and 3-4 scabbards instead of focusing on hundreds of characters, wasting page on big mom, tama, yamato all these bullshit characters...
are we even reading the same manga like lmaooo
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