General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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Zoro Worshipper
Chopper will probably get a real bounty. The poll should be more sided that way honestly.

This time he got proper involvement and is most likely being visioned by the attentive CP0's eye after all.
It should be noted that this is the first time Zoro and Sanji will receive the same number bounty at the same time.

Zoro got his bounty first with Luffy, and Sanji was the only one to get a bounty boost after WCI with Luffy.

So whereas Zoro was always on his 2nd bounty when Sanji on his 1st, this time they’ll both get their 4th bounties at the same time.

Unless ZKK does occur (I still see almost no chance of Kaidos death in general occurring) Zoro won’t receive a massive bounty boost that Sanji won’t also receive.
Well her bounty was frozen. She’s also the only Conqueror’s Haki user with a revealed bounty under 300 million. All things considered, I think she has gone well over her original 80 million bounty at this point. lol
It was also her first bounty after her first expedition. Remember the Kuja will go on raids then come back to the island. They are like vikings. In that regard it could be one of the highest first bounty in the series.

By comparison Luffy's first was 30m, Jinbei 76 etching
In case you posted it for the picture,this isn't his bounty picture. They just took a panel from the manga and used it.
Oda wouldn't sit there and draw a bounty for all the characters.
BTW ,Even in people like Hawkins,Kid and Apoo where we got their Bounty picture in the newspaper they didn't use the bounty picture iirc.
As of current development, my betting for their bounties after Wano:

1. Luffy: 4.0 B (Highly possible defeating Kaido by himself, earn an Emperor bounty level)

2. Sanji: 1.33 B (it seems confirm that Queen shall defeated by him. His reputation as Vinsmoke bloodline and Raid Suit besides enable to use Advance CoA give a high bounty)

3. Jinbe: 1.076 B (His reputation as ex-sichibukai, and defeating Who's Who, involved with WCI incident and officially declare joining Straw Hat Pirates. His bounty too long being undervalued)

4. Zoro: 640M (Waiting for his versus. As of current, he didn't do any notable in the view of CP0).

5. Yamato: 550 M (1st bounty ever given, being Kaido's bloodline, and joining Straw Hat Pirates)

6. Robin: 500 M (Together with Brook defeating Black Maria, WG alert of Straw Hat possession of 3 Road Ponelglyph and Robin is the main key)

7. Franky: 394 M (Defeating Sasaki, cyborg level similar to Vegapunk technology)

8. Usopp: 300 M (Aside his assistance to Nami defeating Ulti and capturing Bao Huang, he is yet has any notable achievement)

9. Brook: 283 M (Assisting Robin defeating Black Maria)

10. Nami: 266 M (Getting credit for defeating Ulti)

11. Chopper: 200 M (His Monster Point form revealed and to be acknowledged formidable by Drake in his report to marine.)
You dont think Chopper’s gag will continue?