everyone fears the beast pirates because of the flying six!
how many attacks landed before they(re defeated:
- page one: 6 hits: elephant gun, skull blast grass, bamboo javelin, firework flowers, exploding pine cones, big mom's ACoC punch, K.O
- ulti: 7 hits: luffy's slam, thunder bagua, devil, thunder lance x2, mazer cannon, lightning blast, K.O
- who's who: 3 hits: ebb tide shoulder throw, shark grip, gargoyle tile fist, K.O
- sasaki: 5 hits: general right, v for victory flash, general suplex, general cannon, radical beam, K.O
- x-drake: switched sides
- black maria: 1 hit: spank, still standing
let's rank the losers:
1- ulti: best girl
2- page one: understandable
3- sasaki: not good
4- who's who: pathetic