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Zoro Worshipper
There are moments where I start to enjoy Yamato as a character, but whenever she brings up the whole "I'm Oden obesession, I go back to enjoying her character less again.

If Oda drops the whole "I'm Oden" obsession, has Yamato act like her own character and not try to be like another character and also if she goes through a character development then I will probably like Yamato a bit more.
Yeah I was discussing about it earlier in a thread too.

I'm liking Yamato's character better and better recently, not that I ever really disliked it. But I still can't get over her obsession for Oden. I'm fairly confident it will probably come to a rest one day.

Gorosei Informer

There are moments where I start to enjoy Yamato as a character, but whenever she brings up the whole "I'm Oden obesession, I go back to enjoying her character less again.

If Oda drops the whole "I'm Oden" obsession, has Yamato act like her own character and not try to be like another character and also if she goes through a character development then I will probably like Yamato a bit more.
Ironically, this panel out of context makes her seem suddenly hilariously self aware of her insane obsession LOL!


Imagine if Whitebeard and Oden were alive and witnessed this?

Pretty solid chapter, for one up against a break (gonna be hard to get through all these breaks though with everything going on in the story, it’s just really exiting at the moment).

The Franky fight was pretty cool. Glad to see him get a bit more shine.

Yamato looked amazing though. Love the hybrid form of the devil fruit. Can’t wait to see what it actually is. Also can’t wait for her to claim herself as opposed to Oden. Excited to see how Yamato does against Kaido.

Also, Luffy’s back! Not much longer until he gets back in the fight against Kaido, excited for the climax of that fight to hit.
aye yall question: do yall think all the f6 will get up with an awakened form?
I firmly believe this. The only flying 6 member I don't see getting back up is ulti since I think her getting back up from bigmoms Lazer canon is her already using her awakened Zoan devil fruit.

Now there is another case that all of the the flying 6 that have not yet used their hybrids during this raid will get up. And so far the only member of the flying 6 to not use his hybrid in this raid battle fight currently is page one. I think we will definitely see a return of that. My only question is who is he going to fight?
good franky chapter although the fight is kinda too fast
looks like oda will go 1 fight per chapter for flying six to rush things in wano ...
that ticerachopter is awesome lol but why sasaki never use haki? is he can,t do it? so that why he fight franky that also can,t use haki?
n that yamato form is cool? wonder is that Qilin/kirin zoan devil fruit ....
sasaki: everyone fears the beast pirates because of the flying six!
:wellwell:how many attacks landed before they(re defeated:

- page one: 6 hits: elephant gun, skull blast grass, bamboo javelin, firework flowers, exploding pine cones, big mom's ACoC punch, K.O
- ulti: 7 hits: luffy's slam, thunder bagua, devil, thunder lance x2, mazer cannon, lightning blast, K.O
- who's who: 3 hits: ebb tide shoulder throw, shark grip, gargoyle tile fist, K.O
- sasaki: 5 hits: general right, v for victory flash, general suplex, general cannon, radical beam, K.O
- x-drake: switched sides
- black maria: 1 hit: spank, still standing

:wellwell:let's rank the losers:

1- ulti: best girl
2- page one: understandable
3- sasaki: not good
4- who's who: pathetic
The chapter wasn't bad. Best of all I found Wally! Was that the map of Onigashima that we were promised?

I love Strawhat themed color spreads. My favorite thing about it was Franky's whale hair style.

Sanji vs Queen was a small part of this chapter. Sanji is being so considerate to the other SHs. First he helps Zoro, then Chopper, and now he may give Franky a gift!

The spoiler thread told me that we would have a hysterical moment with Zoro and his trypanophobia. I didn't see any needle.

Luffy is awake. Of course, due to plot, Law's submarine probably has a meat cooler. How long is it going to take for Luffy to reach Kaido again? Is Oda healing Luffy and Zoro at the same time for a reason?

The pacing can't possibly be Luffy sitting in a submarine eating meat as it submerged while Miyagi unwraps Zoro in order to give him an injection, right? I think the two of them are returning to fight Kaido together. If Kidd and Law can fight Big Mom together, then I just want my Luffy and Zoro tag team for Kaido. I imagine Yamato will be there too.

I enjoyed the Franky and Sasaki fight. The flying Triceratops is a little much but why not? I think Franky did a good job and it was nice to see his radical beam. Are Sasaki and Who's Who really down for the count? Ulti and Page One kept getting up again and again. I am not sure if that is because Usopp and Nami are so much weaker than Franky and Jinbei, or did an editor actually do their job and tell Oda to pick up the pace with these fights?

An editor doing their job? Nope, I was wrong about that! We end the chapter with Yamato vs Kaido. They clash for a few panels, but at least Yamato's Devil Fruit was revealed! No wait it wasn't! Instead Oda uses this time to once again tell us Yamato is Oden. Unless I get a flashback, I couldn't care less about Yamato vs Kaido. I know I should, but I just don't need to hear Yamato's declaration that they are Oden.

I hope next chapter we focus on Robin and Brook vs Black Maria.
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