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There's no "Tina!"
Tbh, TACy doing this as mafia, after they lost 3 members, seems very far fetched. If he has something on Destroyer, following him seems like the best route.

But after analyzing Destroyer's claim, I'm kinda believing him too. @TheAncientCenturion you sure you're not mistaken?
Where is Lind @Lindltaylor? why did you disappear...?
What's your timezone :endthis:
What time do you go to bed :endthis:
I am making fun of @Trollji don't mind me :feelscryingman: ...
I'm right here!
My timezone is EST!
I try to go to bed max at 1 am.

I don't mind! Anything for fellow fruities, including you, Zara birthday boy! :yearight:

I wont compliment on the chances that you are wolf and it works similarly to the marimo slander announcement.
but am trusting you atm
i should say this. no one compliment rayan. if you dont compliment rayan then i have the choice to steal shit from you. obviously if i did that after revealing this ability it would be wolfy as hell. i simply used this ability to prove that i had it.
Watch closely flower I will do it again.

Rayan is one of the best mods.
stop this. i really dont need people to compliment anyone because this is used to steal shit from players that dont compliment me and thatd make me look wolfy if i followed through. this is simply to show that this is my last ability.
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