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Tbh, TACy doing this as mafia, after they lost 3 members, seems very far fetched. If he has something on Destroyer, following him seems like the best route.

But after analyzing Destroyer's claim, I'm kinda believing him too. @TheAncientCenturion you sure you're not mistaken?

I'm right here!
My timezone is EST!
I try to go to bed max at 1 am.

I don't mind! Anything for fellow fruities, including you, Zara birthday boy! :yearight:
he doesnt have anything on me specifically. he wont claim and hell say im fixed on this but i think he saw one of me juliet or midnight kill fuji. so it could be one of us he just chose to come after me. i also agree that he probably isnt wolf for this stunt but he is refusing to look at the other two. think he wants to come off like the check was just on me despite what he said about juliet and midnight.
So you don't think she leaked info in the end? Just wanna confirm.
Well to be fair Mango was present and obviously leak info. Also she backed up her claim just fine. I haven't seen Juliet talk much in discord the past 2 days so no idea where she is at in terms of reads.

My initial read was that one of Missy or Mango is scum. I doubt both of them are scum so I will trust my initial read. I think Missy is good. I think Van is fine, midnight also good. So Zara should get hanged today.
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