In all seriousness, while i do think there's still a possibility for the F6 to come back later/not be defeated yet, i'm mostly just not satisfied with how the SH fights are being handled so far.
It feels like the strawhats aren't struggling that much, not using new moves, not getting to learn haki(for those who could really use it like Chopper, Brook or Franky) and just not growing much as a result.
-Nami was the only one who i felt ended up stronger after her fight but even then that was mostly because of Zeus. But well at least she had some good character moments.
-P1 wasn't even taken down by Usopp and didn't even get to show off a cool attack of his own. It robs both him and Usopp of any sort of spotlight.
-WsW vs Jinbe was actually very good in terms of lenght, character interaction and backstory, and WsW got to show off a lot of his attacks. What it lacked for me was Jinbe showing any sign of struggle or difficulty, it was a mid diff at worst for Jinbe.
-Franky vs Sasaki has felt the most "even" out of the matchups so far at least, but again, it feels like Franky was already strong enough to defeat him so all he really needed was the removal of fodder, without any real growth.
To me there's something wrong when New World Straw Hats overcoming Yonko crew commanders has somehow not felt as satisfying as Usopp defeating Chew with hot sauce and a hammer or Franky and Mr. Pink taking turns punching each other. It contributes to the general perception of the raid feeling like it doesn't have much tension and it feels like a disservice to both the strawhats AND Kaido's crew. I hope the calamity fights are at least handled better but i can't help but worry at this point, specially with Sanji seemingly having an easy time without the RS against Queen's hybrid form so far.
We have to consider that after Kaido's defeat, the SH are pretty much going to be considered a Yonko crew, so having at least those outside the weak trio leave Wano feeling like they really grew and can now fight on the level of yonko veterans at least would feel necessary. Yet the monster trio and Jinbe are still the only ones with armament haki, something even Bellamy could use