Zoro's position in the Strawhat crew

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the straw hats suck:
most of them at some point during their fight have ran away from their opponents
-nami and usopp ran away from ulti and page one
-franky ran away from sasaki
-robin and broke ran away from black maria
-sanji ran away from black maria

jinbei, zoro and luffy are the saving grace of the crew:
-jinbei destroyrd who's who
-zoro standing his ground against two yonko combined attack saving everyone in the process
-luffy went 1v1 against kaido for 10+ minutes
@Paperchampion23 I’m convinced that the Numbers 1, 2, and 3 have to be more important than the rest. What are the odds that neither of the first 3 Numbers are amongst the first 6 revealed? According to my math, there was only a 3.33% that neither of these 3 have been amongst the first 6 revealed due to just sheer coincidence, so I think it’s fair to say that Oda’s intentionally waiting to reveal these 3 for last, so Number 6 will be the next one revealed (will probably be named Roki based on the other Numbers’ naming conventions). I think Chopper fights Numbers 1, 2, and 3 in a 3v1

Also, it would be really weird if Brook’s main fight this arc is Kunyun (Number 9) and 2 fodder Gifters. Oda better bring in WsW soon
Maybe! But fuckin that 9 Number being yet another fodder lol.

I do hope the lower numbers are a bit smart, at least the 1 Number. I do recall one of them in silhouette form not laughing at all, rather frowning


Talent is something you make bloom.
Was I right or wrong then? :endthis:
Despite people bashing the Flying6, I've been enjoying these fights. I liked Jinbei vs Whoswho, I LOVED Franky vs Sasaki, and Robin+Brook vs Black Maria is already looking great as well.
Hopefully the non-SH fights like Hawkins vs Killer and Law+Kidd vs Big Mom will get a lot of love as well.
Save these number 2 quotes until the end of wano my fellow zoro fans.
It will come back to bite them just like the sanji vs king ones.
They didn't realize that in other to to get Queen to call him Number 2, they had so sacrifice their long awaited match-up Sanji vs King
I'm all for the highspeed, aerial, FLAME, artistic, stylish battle between the 2nd of the Beast Pirates and the 3rd of the SH pirates now :stealthblack:
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