Zoro's position in the Strawhat crew

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The purpose of Jinbe vs WsW was to establish the exact gap between Vets and YC3s. If Oda went straight for Jinbe vs Jack and Franky/Brook/Robin vs Sasaki/WsW/Maria, then we would have no way of knowing exactly how close the mid trio is to Jinbe. If someone thought that WsW could push Jack to high diff, then they’d think that Brook could push Jinbe to high diff. But now we know Vets can only push YC3s to mid diff at best, so Brook can only push Jinbe to mid diff a best


Talent is something you make bloom.
So we wasted all this time with Yamato and she won't even join the crew

I was on team Yamato4Nakama, but for some reason it is starting to feel like some red flag....
Someone posted some piece of info about the legend of the wolf she's based on, and the wolf was said to stay somewhere to protect it, so I'm starting to feel inclined to the option of Yamato staying in Wano and helping rebuilding it. Also acting like an ally for Luffy, rather than a nakama.
Feels weird. But I still would love for her to join.


Pepebusi Spammer
Brook's soul then leaves his body and attacks Wanyūdō with “Cold Soul” (コールド魂) freezing him (Wanyūdō falls off the wheel). Black Maria is furious and attacks with her rod the area of the ceiling where Robin is clinging. However, Brook returns to his body and uses his attack "Soul Parade: Eisbahn" (Soul Parade: Ice Burn) to freeze the ground and put out the fire, so Robin lands safely.
@sorukingu am i missing something because Brook's soul never be able to use his attack right?
but in here his soul able to use attack.
sanji ran away from black maria

jinbei, zoro and luffy are the saving grace of the crew:
-jinbei destroyrd who's who
-zoro standing his ground against two yonko combined attack saving everyone in the process
-luffy went 1v1 against kaido for 10+ minutes
Sanji casually saved Chopper from being eaten alive by Queen, knocked Perospero away, parried his attack. Saved Usopp, Nami and Tama from being disintegrated by Queen's Laser, saved and gave hope to the Samurai and the whole Live Floor after hearing about Luffy's defeat, protected bandaged cross Zoro from Gifters and protected him from hybrid Queen while Chopper and the medical squad were treating him

All at once :myman: :myman:
The purpose of Jinbe vs WsW was to establish the exact gap between Vets and YC3s. If Oda went straight for Jinbe vs Jack and Franky/Brook/Robin vs Sasaki/WsW/Maria, then we would have no way of knowing exactly how close the mid trio is to Jinbe. If someone thought that WsW could push Jack to high diff, then they’d think that Brook could push Jinbe to high diff. But now we know Vets can only push YC3s to mid diff at best, so Brook can only push Jinbe to mid diff a best
Or that Oda plans to delegate my boy Jinbe to some forth commander bs, and have him as the head of the new "strong quartet" instead of being part of a "monster quartet/quintet":josad:. The only saving grace in this is that it would be yet another instance of Jinbe cucking Franky:myman:
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