One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

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Wb's teenagers crew was on par with roger's pk crew. Rofl

Adult wb crew >>pk crew. Come at me
Whitebeard pirates was more damaged, Shanks and Buggy are fine with little wounds, Rayleigh and Scopper was totally fine.

So Scopper and Rayleigh lead the crew in the battles, after all they are the two strongest member of Roger, happy that Oda indirectly confirmed it with these panels. Are we seeing Bullet in these panels?
The one who stand infront of Vista seems like Bullet?

Im glad that I don´t onyl think this, so this dude is probably really Bullet, nice detail of Oda.
Why was Rayleigh confident against Kizaru?

I mean Garp put him at the same threat level as Whitebeard, so he's probably done things prior to this. This is essentially 3 years away from the disbanding of the crew, so majority of the action that happened would've taken place before all of this.
He said he was a legend, sure, but not on the same level. He could've fought others after Roger disbanded his crew


World's Strongest Swordsman
I agree ... but assuming Enma don't have some kinda of wired anti Dragon power ... Oden did it to cost of his life

it's not like he did it casually
Enma only sucks haki when you cant control it. After zoro tamed it its never taken his haki and weve never seen it take odens.
All oden cut kaido open with was a good not great sword and haki.
Shanks and mihawk have better on both. (Imo gryphon is a saijo owazamono)


Let's forget the swordbois who think EOS Zoro > Roger (lol), let's focus on the more interesting thing: The Admiral fandom took a massive W!

Since it's confirmed that Garp >= Sengoku and both rivaled Roger, we can easily say that Admirals are AT LEAST Yonko lv.
Akainu casually clashed and matched with old Sickbeard who was probably on par with all out Kaido/all out Big Meme/Shanks AND Papazuki MORTALLY wounded the same guy with a single blow although he was sneak attacked before.

Aokiji (Sengoku was already on par with Hero Garp when he was only an Admiral. Hence, Aokiji = Admiral Sengoku) proved to push Papazuki on extreme diff for 10 days. Hence PTS Akainu >= Aokiji. And Post-TS Akainu >= FA Sengoku > Aokiji.
In addition to that, knowing that your haki extremely blooms during extreme battles, Papazuki got a massive ZENKAI BOOST which could put him on par with Garp and thus, on par with ROGER!

"B-b-but Admirals were stalled?" Yeah, and Big Meme was stalled by Nami and Brook, so what?

"B-b-but their physical power isn't on par with Kaido/Big Meme!" No shit, that's literally irrelevant as long as they can blow up islands with their DFs.
Besides, Shanks' equal Mihawk was effortlessly stalled by another YC, Vista. Hence I doubt Shanks would perform better than Mihawk, whereas Aokiji crippled a YC for his entire life after a single distraction.

Facts: PK~FA > Yonko/Admirals. Papazuki/Garp > Kaido. Sengoku > Big Meme. Aokiji~Shanks.

Kaido> Akainu Garp nice try
Kaido is WSC and strongest currently

Using Bm nerfed verison to compare to Admirals lol

Show me healthy/sans BM getting stalled, not dominating?

I didnt know injuring WB means you re strong? When WB body isnt even special.
Akainu got taken down by 2 hits.

Sentinel I know you wanna please admiral fans buy sorry Sick dying WB took Akainu down in 2 moves

And Kaido > Akainu and everyone currently from Oda manga sbs novels magazines etc...
If Roger was classified as a swordsman, then it makes Mihawk > Roger due to black blade and Zoro needing to surpass the WSS in history. Zoro needs to be the strongest swordsman to ever live until EOS. Instead of saying "well you beat the current WSS, but you know, some 30 years ago there was a swordsman that is still stronger than you, nice try though".


World's Strongest Swordsman
If Roger was classified as a swordsman, then it makes Mihawk > Roger due to black blade and Zoro needing to surpass the WSS in history. Zoro needs to be the strongest swordsman to ever live until EOS. Instead of saying "well you beat the current WSS, but you know, some 30 years ago there was a swordsman that is still stronger than you, nice try though".
Well 2 arm shanks was probably that level too so it makes sense to me.


‏‎#حرق_ون_بيس 🔥 966
لا يوجد قتال حقيقي بين روجر واللحية ، فقط تصادم هاكي ملكي كان تأثيره كبير ولدرجة خارج الجزيرة .
أودا سحب عليك ياونبيسي 😜
by Hiktoj on twt
it says that there is no real fight between Roger and WB shown besides that clash which impacted the island and even beyond... so who tf made Roger's cheek bleed in that panel? or is the panel resolution still too low so it could've been just his hair/shadow of smth?
I guess Oden damaged Roger
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