What a hell of a chapter. Amazing end to the year, amazing end to the decade. Shame about the loss of Jamini's and Mangastream's translations and having to make due with lower quality translations on Fridays. Viz/Mangaplus being free is the best thing ever and all that, but I loved comparing translations and seeing things like honorifics and non-localized language in the chapters. End of an era.
Pirate King finally gets in the action!! How long have we waited for this?? I honestly thought we would have to wait until the end of the series to see how Roger fights, but Oda finally gave in. No Devil Fruit in sight, Roger overwhelms Oden with a massive flying slash. Props to Oden too, both Rayleigh and Gaban wanted to gang up on him and he ends up taking Roger's named attack without passing out. I'm not sure Luffy could take that. Roger and Whitebeard infuse their blades with aura and deliver one of the most intense clashes in the manga without touching. I've never seen shadowing effects in any clash like that. Was it a pure CoC clash or was their CoA aura with those blade blades making contact too? It's a mystery for now, there is still more left on the haki skill tree we don't know about. The island ends up surviving as the battle ends in a ceasefire, Roger and WB took a friendly path and didn't aim to kill each other's crews.
Roger's crew gets bigger every time we see them. There must be two dozen Roger pirates running around and we really only know a handful of them. Scopper really showing how prominent he is on the crew. He stands side by side with Rayleigh in two panels and then leads the charge of people telling Roger not to bow before Whitebeard and Oden. I want to see that sweet double axe style so badly, but considering Gaban has been persona non grata in this manga for so long, I am already overwhelmed by his sheer presence. Where could all these pirates be hiding in the present day?
We briefly learn that Blackbeard is the man that never sleeps. The special body Marco talked about, Shanks already has an eye on this man. Everyone shuts their eyes to sleep when the darkness sets in, but Blackbeard is unaffected. The Yami Yami could be tailor made for BB. Is this why Oda drew him crying before the moon in a snowy field? Sleeping in the snow will kill you, Blackbeard was never allowed to experience a dream. Maybe this is the reason why Blackbeard is so passionate about living in the "Era of Dreams". Did Blackbeard have PK ambitions before Roger even got there? Luffy could change this man's world by knocking him to sleep.
Oden switches teams and Whitebeard is very upset. Maybe that's why he ignored Wano all these years lol. It was a very powerful gesture for Roger to bow before his sworn rival and future crew member. Very sweet how the two crews end up partying and exchanging gifts after an intense pirate battle. I hope the Strawhats can experience the same one day, they wouldn't have any animosity toward a group like the Red Haired Pirates or even a formidable group of marines led by Fujitora and Smoker.
So the final island on the map is "Road Star" island? Roger made it seem like an accomplishment to even get there, it could be a very dangerous destination or heavily protected by the World Government. That's where you learn about the Poneglyphs after all. Roger got there 13 years ago and has been messing around since, the disease forced him to pick up the pace. Interesting to see that the Voice of All Things works like a Poneglyph radar, even telling you which ones are more important, but he still can't process any information at all without Oden. Luffy has it too, I expect his radar to help him find a lost Poneglyph at one point.
Wano is apparently going to provide a clue as to what the One Piece is. Are we getting that as early as next chapter? I'm hyped. Can't wait to see how Oden and the Roger Pirates conclude their journeys. I can't help but feel this "one final very important crewmate joining them for the final stretch of the journey" is something that might happen to the Strawhat crew as well.
Pirate King finally gets in the action!! How long have we waited for this?? I honestly thought we would have to wait until the end of the series to see how Roger fights, but Oda finally gave in. No Devil Fruit in sight, Roger overwhelms Oden with a massive flying slash. Props to Oden too, both Rayleigh and Gaban wanted to gang up on him and he ends up taking Roger's named attack without passing out. I'm not sure Luffy could take that. Roger and Whitebeard infuse their blades with aura and deliver one of the most intense clashes in the manga without touching. I've never seen shadowing effects in any clash like that. Was it a pure CoC clash or was their CoA aura with those blade blades making contact too? It's a mystery for now, there is still more left on the haki skill tree we don't know about. The island ends up surviving as the battle ends in a ceasefire, Roger and WB took a friendly path and didn't aim to kill each other's crews.
Roger's crew gets bigger every time we see them. There must be two dozen Roger pirates running around and we really only know a handful of them. Scopper really showing how prominent he is on the crew. He stands side by side with Rayleigh in two panels and then leads the charge of people telling Roger not to bow before Whitebeard and Oden. I want to see that sweet double axe style so badly, but considering Gaban has been persona non grata in this manga for so long, I am already overwhelmed by his sheer presence. Where could all these pirates be hiding in the present day?
We briefly learn that Blackbeard is the man that never sleeps. The special body Marco talked about, Shanks already has an eye on this man. Everyone shuts their eyes to sleep when the darkness sets in, but Blackbeard is unaffected. The Yami Yami could be tailor made for BB. Is this why Oda drew him crying before the moon in a snowy field? Sleeping in the snow will kill you, Blackbeard was never allowed to experience a dream. Maybe this is the reason why Blackbeard is so passionate about living in the "Era of Dreams". Did Blackbeard have PK ambitions before Roger even got there? Luffy could change this man's world by knocking him to sleep.
Oden switches teams and Whitebeard is very upset. Maybe that's why he ignored Wano all these years lol. It was a very powerful gesture for Roger to bow before his sworn rival and future crew member. Very sweet how the two crews end up partying and exchanging gifts after an intense pirate battle. I hope the Strawhats can experience the same one day, they wouldn't have any animosity toward a group like the Red Haired Pirates or even a formidable group of marines led by Fujitora and Smoker.
So the final island on the map is "Road Star" island? Roger made it seem like an accomplishment to even get there, it could be a very dangerous destination or heavily protected by the World Government. That's where you learn about the Poneglyphs after all. Roger got there 13 years ago and has been messing around since, the disease forced him to pick up the pace. Interesting to see that the Voice of All Things works like a Poneglyph radar, even telling you which ones are more important, but he still can't process any information at all without Oden. Luffy has it too, I expect his radar to help him find a lost Poneglyph at one point.
Wano is apparently going to provide a clue as to what the One Piece is. Are we getting that as early as next chapter? I'm hyped. Can't wait to see how Oden and the Roger Pirates conclude their journeys. I can't help but feel this "one final very important crewmate joining them for the final stretch of the journey" is something that might happen to the Strawhat crew as well.