Man I always wonder, before we found out that Queen is a man, who was the main predicted match up for Sanji?
Funnily enough, Queen was still a popular choice lol. I've seen Jack come up on occassion as 1 or 2 anime OPs showed Sanji fighting Jack, I think during Zou arc and such?
I always wanted Sanji and Zoro to teamup vs King after his reveal especially and help vs each other's weaknesses vs King being the hybrid of their weaknesses and fighting styles collectively. I mean a swordsman who uses fire, can fly, fights with kicks and seems to be pretty fast? Would have made an awesome tag team fight of Sanji and Zoro being forced to work together to defeat him. But now we know Queen and King are like Sanji and Zoro in relationship, it sets up that parallel especially with Sanji fighting Queen and Zoro bound to fight King soon too.
I see Zoro doing some more fire cutting vs King and maybe using his own fire attacks again somehow which might end up also hurting King somehow lol. I wish King was wielding the Nidai and Zoro had to earn it from him. "The Cursed King" even.