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Need to check out which action used in Day 1 before lynch.
In my opinion scum used cleaning ability on Ryu when he got max votes.
So don't trust all claims blindly
Dyna said that T-Pein would get the ability back when they died.

If something like that really was a passive it would need limits right? They either wouldn’t have it every night or they would have to be like I was with a one stolen ability storage right? But that wouldn’t add up with T-Pein getting it back after Dyna’s death.

As Dyna described it and as it functioned against T-Pein it seems way too strong to be a passive.
What's your read on Hayumi and Dynamite
Well, I’m pretty distrustful of everyone as a rule of thumb. But Hayumi hasn’t done anything that pinged me as Scummy yet. Dyna and Conquistador have tried to come at Hayumi and Dest for starting the Ryu wagon to save a teammate but I feel like counting on a final second CFD on a guy with barely any votes to save a teammate is pretty nuts when Cal and Mango were both much easier candidates to switch to. Trying to CFD Ryu would have been very risky.

As far as Dyna, they’ve been really chaotic and their ability is sketchy. They’ve made some set up speculation that could have easily been fishing for cult candidates to out themselves and they’ve tunneled Dest really hard. Likewise Dest is after Dyna hard. Dyna and Zara have also got into it big time in such a way that I don’t think they can be teammate compatible without some Beta level bussing. Zara’s flip will be informative on Dyna. As of now I am skeptical of Dyna but not ready to lynch them.
About Zara , i don't wanna stop this wagon. Since I'm not up to date with game yet. It's just that Ryu, mango and zara were lynch candidate in same phase and 2 of them were town. Let's hope for the best
About Zara , i don't wanna stop this wagon. Since I'm not up to date with game yet. It's just that Ryu, mango and zara were lynch candidate in same phase and 2 of them were town. Let's hope for the best
I should also say, another thing that makes Zara suspicious is that they claimed invest D1 when it got close to lynch time and then D2 they said they didn’t invest anyone during N1 because they used a protect on themselves due to thinking Town vigs would try to kill them. Which felt odd to me because Zara being an outed invest shouldn’t have been a target for Town vigs N1. You would expect Vigs to wait and get some results from their ability before rushing into killing them.
It's not just him not getting a clean result, it's his playstyle overall, his vote hopping on day 1 to save himself was scummy first of all. His vest up on N1 was again scummy, which btw, I don't think he vested up N1. He probably visited Dyna.
Literally everything in this quote is wrong. :(
Can anyone voting for me give me a logical reason why I would lie? What do I gain out of it? I would get mislynched the next day if I purposely gave incorrect results so what’s the point?
Can anyone voting for me give me a logical reason why I would lie? What do I gain out of it? I would get mislynched the next day if I purposely gave incorrect results so what’s the point?
I agree it would be a bad lie. My only guess as to why you’d try it is that since Conquistador already got a bad invest maybe you thought you could sell us on being redirected or Tobi being framed/bussed in hindsight.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Oh no.
no i’m the rock papers scissors kid
So you dont claim Kira ? I do remember @Zara saying he RPSed you.

I decided to bump in at this point.

I am the reason we lynch Tobi since I rolled out this conflict.
On N1 I watched Zara and he got visitted by Tobi.
I then asked Tobi what he thinks about Zara vs Mango but he refused to give input which made me sus Tobi.

On N2 I watched Tobi and he got visitted by you. Not by Zara. Which means Zara lied or is a Ninja.

I dont think I found a cult leader but something scummy for sure. I might die but since everyone somewhat and somehow has a stance on this conflict I decided to claim.

I will be going to take more nap. See ya lator alligators.

What im taking from this is either Zara got redirected onto someone else and thus didnt visit Tobi or he's lying his ass off right now.

It can't have been a busdrive because then @Rej wouldve seen someone else besides @Dr_Professor83 visit @Tobi , unless Dr is the Bdriver.

There is still the redirect that might have happened in @ConquistadoR 's case thats out there and they didnt come out, im trying to understand why scum would redirect their scummate if Zara is scum here tbh.

This smells so fishy.

Page 135.
Oh no.

So you dont claim Kira ? I do remember @Zara saying he RPSed you.

What im taking from this is either Zara got redirected onto someone else and thus didnt visit Tobi or he's lying his ass off right now.

It can't have been a busdrive because then @Rej wouldve seen someone else besides @Dr_Professor83 visit @Tobi , unless Dr is the Bdriver.

There is still the redirect that might have happened in @ConquistadoR 's case thats out there and they didnt come out, im trying to understand why scum would redirect their scummate if Zara is scum here tbh.

This smells so fishy.

Page 135.
T-Pein was the bus driver. Claimed to target Dyna and had the ability crushed. Dyna then claimed to have stolen the ability.
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