Janitored roles:
- Krogo - Jotaro
- Ryu - Yukako
- Nat - Tamami
- Mango - Rohan
Ryu and Mango got janitored after their flips, Nat we had confirmation form mechanics, and Krogo is by default because Dest claimed his role as Scum and we know Jotaro was in the game.
We are dealing with a cult but the culter is dead now. You, Me, Hayumi, and Lind should be clean as immune to culting since I believe I know everyone’s character in that list and only people who got their stands form Kira’s dad are cultable as far as we’ve decided.
Conq is a town lock since he was the failed kill attempt last night and we probably don’t have any Vigs. If we did they didn’t attack anyone last night (I’d know).
Dyna claimed cultable but I kinda think Dyna is Kira now. Pretty sure I caught them in a lie as you see in my first posts this phase.
Light at one time soft hinted cultable but now says they aren’t.
T-Peim got turned vanilla by Dyna when T-Pein targeted Dyna with a redirect. His stand is Surface which may or may not be a cultable character. Didn’t get his stand from Kira’s dad (the culter) but was an antagonist.
Tobi is cultable. He’s RPS Kid. But we are pretty sure he wasn’t culted before D4 because Zara tried to pin being Kira on him with a fake claim on D3. Tobi could have been culted since then possibly.
Xlaw & Rej Idk about. But Rej is the reason we caught Zara in a lie and lynched them and Xlaw was ironclad on lynching Dest who was Scum on D4.