I'm expecting 100 likes for this, thanks bruvs.
1. Backstory. The circumstances of his backstory with his noble family and him running away from them to live with Ace & Luffy was always more interesting to me than Ace being raised in the mountain with the bandits. When the whole Bluejam thing happened the guy that I was really interest in during the flashback was Sabo, how he dealt with the family drama of helping people who are deemed socially inferior to him, with him seeing the cruelty of the nobles who live a peaceful life but turn their backs on those less unfortunate than them. To this day one of the most iconic/badass/deep moments of the series for me, when it comes to kid flashbacks, is the following panel:
Being born a noble, seeing the dirtiness of the nobles, living amongst the "trash", losing his memory, joining an army that's set out to change the world against the ultimate nobles of the world.
2. Ace had the ambition to make WB the pirate king by being his strong crewmate and such, this always felt like a really weak part of his character, and personally never interested me. On the other hand Sabo's ambition to deal with the Gods of the World and getting into the deep politics of the world is something that felt more meaningful and has more substance to it compared to Ace's ambition.
3. Personality wise, they're not that far apart both falling in the Luffy/Shanks/Roger/Garp type of personality, but Sabo's also a smart guy and not as goofy as them a bit more grounded in other words, but he's also not as seriously stubborn as Ace as well.
4. Fighting style, this is such a landslide win for Sabo for me, it's not even comparable. Leaving out his new fighting style with the mera mera, his old martial arts & haki based fighting style was much more interesting to see than Ace's mera mera fist style, I'm fairly sad that Oda didn't bother going in depth with Sabo's original style yet (maybe he will in the future who knows).
Now the whole combination with the Mera mera/Martial art/Haki based is too freaking badass man. Probably my favorite fighting style so far in the manga, not to mention that normal pipe that he uses with the mera mera.
People often say that Sabo is Ace 2.0, but if being honest I think Ace was just there to eventually introduce Sabo who would be the guy has a bigger impact on the story. So Ace was just a transition to the main event of Sabo. Since I highly doubt Oda is going to go back to hundreds of chapters ago and base Sabo's design off of a random dude he drew, meaning Oda had Sabo in mind during loguetown.
For me Ace & Sabo aren't alike at all, their role as elder brother is the only thing they have in common, other than that, they're 2 completely different characters with different objectives in life. But if I had to pick out of the two, it will easily be Sabo.
1. Backstory. The circumstances of his backstory with his noble family and him running away from them to live with Ace & Luffy was always more interesting to me than Ace being raised in the mountain with the bandits. When the whole Bluejam thing happened the guy that I was really interest in during the flashback was Sabo, how he dealt with the family drama of helping people who are deemed socially inferior to him, with him seeing the cruelty of the nobles who live a peaceful life but turn their backs on those less unfortunate than them. To this day one of the most iconic/badass/deep moments of the series for me, when it comes to kid flashbacks, is the following panel:

Being born a noble, seeing the dirtiness of the nobles, living amongst the "trash", losing his memory, joining an army that's set out to change the world against the ultimate nobles of the world.
2. Ace had the ambition to make WB the pirate king by being his strong crewmate and such, this always felt like a really weak part of his character, and personally never interested me. On the other hand Sabo's ambition to deal with the Gods of the World and getting into the deep politics of the world is something that felt more meaningful and has more substance to it compared to Ace's ambition.
3. Personality wise, they're not that far apart both falling in the Luffy/Shanks/Roger/Garp type of personality, but Sabo's also a smart guy and not as goofy as them a bit more grounded in other words, but he's also not as seriously stubborn as Ace as well.
4. Fighting style, this is such a landslide win for Sabo for me, it's not even comparable. Leaving out his new fighting style with the mera mera, his old martial arts & haki based fighting style was much more interesting to see than Ace's mera mera fist style, I'm fairly sad that Oda didn't bother going in depth with Sabo's original style yet (maybe he will in the future who knows).
Now the whole combination with the Mera mera/Martial art/Haki based is too freaking badass man. Probably my favorite fighting style so far in the manga, not to mention that normal pipe that he uses with the mera mera.

People often say that Sabo is Ace 2.0, but if being honest I think Ace was just there to eventually introduce Sabo who would be the guy has a bigger impact on the story. So Ace was just a transition to the main event of Sabo. Since I highly doubt Oda is going to go back to hundreds of chapters ago and base Sabo's design off of a random dude he drew, meaning Oda had Sabo in mind during loguetown.

For me Ace & Sabo aren't alike at all, their role as elder brother is the only thing they have in common, other than that, they're 2 completely different characters with different objectives in life. But if I had to pick out of the two, it will easily be Sabo.