What will happen till end of Wano?

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It doesn't have to make sense, thats why its powercreep, Luffy and Zoro work the same way since ever. Need more info
I disagree.

Oda is quite consistent with the characters powers in One Piece even though some people don't believe but re-reading One Piece over and over a lot of choices made by Oda makes sense.

I've also stated this multiple times One Piece isn't a simple A > B power type of shonen like dbz
I've always said that if Oda can justify it in the story, I'm always willing to believe it.

Giving Zoro his fight against King (i.e. not stepping on Luffy's toes) and connecting Zoro to Shimotsuki were 2 things I've always believed in, but I needed to see them happen first before I could commit to believing in ZKK or anything like it. Primarily because Luffy beating Kaido is now nearly a 400 chapter plotline.

Remember guys, like many of you here Zoro is my favorite character. I just need logical justifications for how certain things can work, all while not shitting on the main characters own accomplishments
An other reason that Oda will have to show Zoro cutting Kaido, is because Oda like to draw cool stuff, and I am pretty sure that he want to try and display his art. Artist like to show improvement and the monster scene with Ryuma, Oda was a young man, now is he is a father etc, he matured. In term of notoriety showing both scene is gona be very interesting just to talk about how is drawing, did it change in 20 years?
If zoro is related to ryuma I won't be surprised :lusalty:
At this point, he is. They also mention Ushimaru in the same dialogue. For him to "look" like 2 people from the same bloodline hundreds of years apart entirely means hes related to them.

At this point I entirely belive Ushimaru is his father. Roronoa may be his mother's family name, before she married into the Shimotsuki clan.

Think Ace taking Portgas instead of Gol. Or The fact that Toki is an Amatsuki who married into the Kozuki clan.
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