First Roger, Rayleigh and even Oden, the guys Shanks look up to are swordsman which makes it even more likely that Shanks falls under that categ
Nahh. For that let it became clear when Mihawk became WSS. Mihawk never defeated him and that's undisputed fact in the series.
There's possibility that after no result of the duels, Shanks went for the position of emperor while Mihawk recognised as WSS.
Then Roger/Whitebeard pull of an Haki feat higher then Shanks has showcased, which destroys the Haki-God narrative.
Shanks hasn't showed any CoA feats yet or clashed WB using CoA while Roger and WB showed something new for all of us.
Just wait for a while and you'll seeing this feat of WB and Roger quite a lot. Lol
Now we know that Shanks never went to Laugh tale, and actually seeks to find the place as well, which makes him another silver medalist behind Roger/Whitebeard.
Shanks doesn't need to find that place. He already heard all of RP descriptions when Roger would be reading it. Lol
Also now Shanks isn't someone who would be bragging about his visit to Raftel and becoming PK.
Considering how Shanks made Sengoku accepting his terms at MF and also Sengoku knowing things about ancient clan or history, it won't be wrong assumption. Also that might be something which made goroseis going soft with him as well.
Lol, everything in the last part is just a wild assumption.