What will happen till end of Wano?

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I think there is a huge difference between Zoro actually fighting Kaido again (which clearly he's fighting King now) and stealing Luffys thunder vs Zoro getting the Ryuma moment with Kaido after Luffy wins. One does not erase the massive victory Luffy obtains after defeating his opponent.

It's not like people credit Gin for knocking out Krieg after Luffy initially beat him. That was still Luffy's win
What Ryuma moment ffs? If Kaido loses, he'll revert back to human form. What will Zoro do?

This is so fucking stupid I swear. Do people think Zoro will decapitate an unconscious body or something? This is One Piece ffs.
What Ryuma moment ffs? If Kaido loses, he'll revert back to human form. What will Zoro do?

This is so fucking stupid I swear. Do people think Zoro will decapitate an unconscious body or something? This is One Piece ffs.
Luffy will put Kaido to sleep with KKG, celebration starts, then Kaido be like

Will see the BP all defeated, Meme turned into Olin and will just go on a revenge rampage Boro Breathing the Capital, then comes Hiryu Karen :steef:
HK will also be CoC coated and Emma will turn black :crazwhat:
Sanji said he felt strange since the 2nd time he used the suit

Thats the 2nd time he used the suit, look at the purple aura :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:

(And the CoC effect :myman:)
@Jackteo @Doggo @Yasheen @Rayleigh-Sama @MonsterZoro @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @The Unworthy @Sadistic Senpai

More seriously, I think there were some confusions about Sanji's part. Nothing in the spoilers said that Sanji got King's DNA or anything like that.

"- Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name).
- After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race.
- However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race. "

Just Queen asking if Sanji is not from King's tribe since he can use (or manipulate) fire.
So Zoro/Sanji probably looked at King who said "...."
And Sanji probably said "my DJ power is completely different from him".

So there is nothing actually about any King's DNA or power :quest:

And btw, Sanji didn't use his RS like 3 times now ? (p1, onsen, momo) why he didn't talk the 3rd times (momo's one) ?
From what i understood (i might be wrong), Sanji is using his RS in this chapter (so second time during the war) that's why he feels strange. I don't deny the upcoming PU, tho.
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