News One Piece: Vivre Card (Data book)-Discussion Thread

He had such potential tho and now he’s thrown to the side like he’s Apoo
He had a bigger role than Apoo and Hawkins who are fellow supernova, Oda is probably showing the difference between the rooftop novas and the rest, but Drake will have a more important role later.

When are they releasing it ?
3rd of September

My Speculation
Page One : 350 M
Ulti : 400M
Black Maria : 500M
Sasaki : 600M
WsW: 700M
King : 1.4B-1.7B
Very close to what i think too but maybe WsW and Sasaki are a little higher, concerning King he really can be anything from 1.33 to 1.6ish all up to Oda.

Watch it just being this history section at the back of every Vivre Card. It’ll be something like this

Born 33 years ago
Abandoned his father 13 years ago
Joined the Marines 12 years ago
Joined Sword and became a pirate 3 years ago
Arrived at Saobody 2 years ago
Joined Kaido’s crew 2 years ago
Attacked Amigasa 1 year ago

That’s what all the history sections are like
let's pray