[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Cry me a fucking river drago. I am not scum here so of course i would praise your amazing scum hunting skills :gokulaugh:

You say im apathetic but you havent seen me engage Tobi/Hayumi/Nat/Dest/Conq/Catgodess ,etc

Are you blind? Or just dont care? Miss me with that self righteous bullshit you’re preaching.
You're being apathetic right now but taunting and refusing to play the game properly. That's what I meant.

What I'm preaching being "self-righteous" doesn't change the fact that I'm right. You're being a jackass for no reason and you're disrespecting the hosts with this nonsensical self-vote.


The Rogue Prince
I voted you way before voting ekko then went back on you, and now im going back on youz
yeah exactly.
you knew your wagon failed and you messed up by ignoring ekko (i guess all that advice about ignoring destro's accusations were EXTREMELY rich coming from you when you react this way lmao)
then you jumped back on mine because it looked like the clear possibility


Because if you start bringing up stuff non-mafia-related, it becomes angle-shooting. For example, using someone's online status to say that they're avoiding the thread. Angle-shooting is not allowed.

D1 is not useless in the slightest. It's by far the most useful day phase of them all. It will create a foundation for you to propel yourself with going into N1 and the later day phases. Having a strong day 1 is important. I can't go in-depth without making a big post which I'd like to avoid but just remember that day 1 only sucks if you make it suck. If you doing stuff on D1 and making things happen, you will be rewarded for the rest of the game. Always do shit D1. That's the mentality you need to have to be successful and win games as town.

It's only annoying to the players who let themselves get caught by it. Meta is a perfectly valid scum hunting technique to use in the game. History matters. As a real-life example, investors like to measure the performance history of a mutual fund to determine how well it's gonna do in the future. If the past performance shows that during a bad market year they minimized losses then you can know that in the future, if there's another down year, you won't lose a lot of money in that fund as other competitors would have. If during a booming year, the fund was able to outperform its category and even the market during that year(s), then you know that if there's another boom, your returns are gonna be great. Of course, this isn't perfectly accurate 100% of the time but it's a good way to judge how good a fund is.

The same logic applies to mafia. You use a player's past performance to determine if their current performance is scum or town indicative. It's not 100% accurate and meta should never be the primary reason why someone is one alignment(unless it's so damning and apparent), but there's nothing wrong to using it as a supplementary reason to the rest of your case. If you're unhappy about meta then make sure you don't a meta. Make sure you can play the same way each game no matter what the alignment so players can't use your game history against you.
I didn't say it was wrong I just said it was annoying. As far as my disposition goes not only am I new, but I'm also pretty much new to forums in their entirety as the only exposure I had was years ago when I was forcibly much less active. For that "strat" to be indicative with how the game plays especially on day 1 when you don't have many leads it makes it seem like there's a lot of exclusivity that I know nothing about. Day 1 may be crucial, but so far with that being one of the only big plays I'm not really impressed by it. Especially for it to be such a necessity.
I will not be mislynched over scum, not gonna happen.

I may have gotten a bit angry and said some stuff here but im not gonna gamethrow or let town throw by mislynching me.
@Natalija i just checked with lind and the game is not bastard (thanks to @Dragomir for rectifying me on that), so do you still think lie detects can be false?
Are you asking me if I will 100% trust a lie detect? I don't trust anything that much, everything can be dabbled with.


Lead them to paradise.
You're being apathetic right now but taunting and refusing to play the game properly. That's what I meant.

What I'm preaching being "self-righteous" doesn't change the fact that I'm right. You're being a jackass for no reason and you're disrespecting the hosts with this nonsensical self-vote.
Self votes dont count and you know it. I am within my right to be angry at the nonsensical push on me.


Lead them to paradise.
I'm fine with changing your mind, and even ignoring. But care to explain the lie detect reaction?
This feels like fishing btw.

TAC said there might be lie detects in the game, i reacted accordingly and asked him how he know for reasons i wont disclose, then i started asking people if they were town to prepare the terrain and give the possible lie detects as many targets to check as they can.

So what part of this is bad exactly?
I will not be mislynched over scum, not gonna happen.

I may have gotten a bit angry and said some stuff here but im not gonna gamethrow or let town throw by mislynching me.
@Natalija i just checked with lind and the game is not bastard (thanks to @Dragomir for rectifying me on that), so do you still think lie detects can be false?
So claim

Self votes dont count and you know it. I am within my right to be angry at the nonsensical push on me.
I haven't seen a single good point out of you, so explain why this is nonsensical?
You saying lie detects are in the game?
You asked if scum could be lie detect immune, no reason to say something like that if you didnt know lie detects were in the game in some form.
The way he worded it i would say he assumes scum may be lie detect immune, or some of them.

I asked him for another reason entirely.

Are you town Nat?
Its actually the reverse, im doing something else.
I don't think you get it, nvm.
This was weird
This feels like fishing btw.

TAC said there might be lie detects in the game, i reacted accordingly and asked him how he know for reasons i wont disclose, then i started asking people if they were town to prepare the terrain and give the possible lie detects as many targets to check as they can.

So what part of this is bad exactly?
So you fished something out of him and now you won't disclose because you think it's fishing? That is the definition of being hypocritical but whatever


Lead them to paradise.
Honestly the one thing I don’t like about this game is wondering whether someone being upset is theatre or not.

I hate being torn between feeling guilty about doubting their sincerity and being afraid of falling for a trick. Really don’t have much choice but to assume it’s probably a trick at all times since Scum has no mercy.
This is the first time i hear that theatre term, just say “acting” lmao.
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