I was thinking of last game where you started as Town. But yeah, when I factor in the first game I guess it doesn’t tell me much.
Both games I have been in with you during D1 you were more proactive than you have been this game. But since you were Scum in one and Town in the other, being productive isn’t really Mafia/Town indicative in the small sample size I have for you so I guess that’s a dead end.
Both games I have been in with you during D1 you were more proactive than you have been this game. But since you were Scum in one and Town in the other, being productive isn’t really Mafia/Town indicative in the small sample size I have for you so I guess that’s a dead end.
I missed it, I will have to go look for it.

It's in the same post in which I quoted you twice bestie. After you read it, I'd like to hear those two reasons please.