[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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What could have been...
I’d say that there’s a good chance they share an alignment, whether knowingly or unknowingly
i dont see how that works because if anything misty might just have tmi on fuji's alignment and be scum while he is town

she was one of the players that demanded he claim the most and its possible in this game that scum can control or mess with claimed roles so why lynch fuji if they can control him somehow


There's no "Tina!"
Vote Count - 2

Destroya: UwU -> Night raid -> Conquist -> TACy -> Misty
Lord Melkor: Fuji -> Misty
Natalija: Light -> Wris -> Fuji
MistyCatGodess: Night raid -> Nat -> *
Fruitji: Lord Melkor -> Ekko -> Conquist -> Ekko -> Conquist -> Fuji -> Conquist -> Nat -> Misty
Wris: Tobi
Ekko: Fuji -> Conquist -> Misty
ThisAncientCent: Fuji -> Drago -> Fuji -> Drago -> RippedCal
~UwU~: Fuji -> Nat
Hayumi: *
Tobi: Light
Dr_Professor: Bogard -> Misty
Dragomir: Fuji -> *
Grammaton: Hayumi -> Fuji
Conquistador: Fuji
Zem: Light
Juliet: Misty​

Misty - 6
Fuji - 3
Light - 2
Cal/Tobi/Nat - 1

Please let me know if I made any mistakes with the votes.

[Change vote lynch MistyCatGodess]
Im going with Nat actually, don't like her dismissal of lie detects and i dont like her insistence on Lynching me even after me claiming and hinting at ''other'' things.

Vote Lynch Natalija.
Is Misty a new player? Is she feigning ignorance here?

So this is kind of pingy.

Doubles down on Night Raid?

But then unvotes Night Raid? Well if you were baiting a reaction, and seemed to get a reaction that you thought was scummy, why unvote?

Post 1180 is interesting because she calls out Ekko for fishing and then also defends Conq. This quote in particular, "And I agree with Centurion that lynching one of them is going to give us a lot of info to work with, and I don't think it's TvT. But we shall see how the rest of this phase is playing out" is kind of pingy because if you think Ekko vs Fuji is w v w, why would you try to say we shall see what happens. Kind of seems like she's protecting herself in case they flip Town.

Calls me out for going too hard at Conq but then says she's fine going back to him in the day phase. Like, what?

This is the post that kind of made me feel like they're Town and also kind of shits on me sussing both Juliet and Misty because I think this interaction probably means they're not mates.

This is kind of interesting as well. More talk about Conq.

Here's the Nat vote and like I said, no mention of Nat being suss. Should be interesting to note that Misty sheeped UWU's vote on Nat AFTER Misty called him out for being suss.

Here's what pinged me about Misty and started our interaction. Nat didn't do anything of more substance between Misty voting her and then unvoting her that really makes me believe this. It should be noted that Melkor called her and UWU out for their quick back-to-back votes on Nat.

Here's a lame reason for believing that Fuji vs Ekko is w v w.

So Misty calls me out for tunneling Conq too hard, but then in her next post in the game seems to shade me once I start talking about other players. Like, this is just a lose lose situation and apparently in Misty's mind, if I tunnel Conq, or I start talking about other players, both are suss to her.

Lots of hostility from Misty in this game as well. You think a player playing their first game in some time would be maybe a little bit more friendly/cooperative? Now, is all of this enough for me to confidently vote for her and call her scum? I'm not quite sure. But I think there's enough here to at least warrant some attention and even votes.

Vote Lynch Misty
[Vote lynch Fuji]
Then ThisAncientCenturion doesn't need you
she not only thinks we r wolf v wolf, she also does absolutely nothing to help clear it nor tries to join any of the main wagons that she actually scum reads

[vote lynch misty]
[Vote Lynch Dragomir] @Flower @Lindltaylor

Off your scummy play. Now that you've claimed, ThisAncientCenturion would like to be able to have players verify you / Dest. It's very easy now to see if you're lying.
I’m starting not to like @MistyCatGoddess

Their interactions with @Ekkologix & @Destroya right now are showing a lot of inconsistencies.

Guess I’ll let Bograd have some slack.

Vote lynch Misty. @Lindltaylor & @Flower

I think we should give @Fruitji one more phase to prove himself since apparently jailor should be easily verifiable.
I want to have a look at this post where I talked about Misty since her play has been suspicious. Misty also said she has been busy and yet she has managed to make 87 posts. I have been busy and I can't even make 87 posts and how is Misty able to make 87 posts when she says she is busy?

This is a lie. How could you forget about this game when we have been getting notifications. I have caught so many scum players who say this sentence.

I'm okay with a Misty, Wris, Rej, uwu, Tobi, Light lynch since I haven't been town reading these players.

Vote Lynch MistyCatGoddess
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These reads are weird. You said you scum lean both Ekko and Fuji and if you notice they have been having this back and forth. So you're suspecting this is scum theatre they are doing? You also said you have a slight scum lean on me and the weird thing about you is you said you don't think Conq is scum while I have also said the scum read on Conq wasn't convincing for me. You said Drago hasn't posted enough for you to get a read on him who has posted more than me and another weird thing is you put me as slight scum read when I haven't posted enough.
So let me get this straight, this is not about your read on conq at all. I simply notice you slip in and out, posting where you can't really put a foot wrong and disappearing again. For me, that isn't townplay, but first game in a couple of years so I may be completely off the point.
It felt like less lel, Drago hasn't really posted anything that could be deduced from don't you think? I mean this is not about post count.

I think it's different factions or one t v s but not tvt but then again I could be wrong. It's not a theatre in that case, is it now? And the thing is, ekko is fishing Fruitwhatever is fishing. And I don't like that at all. Therefore the scumreads.

And why exactly would the same read on conq mean I shouldn't sus you?
So you're saying multitasking is not townplay since that was what I was doing? Anyways, I'm going to bed and I don't know when I will be back online.
Fwiw I very much think Misty has the right of this, I’d be far more inclined to vote Juliet than Misty
i dont see how that works because if anything misty might just have tmi on fuji's alignment and be scum while he is town

she was one of the players that demanded he claim the most and its possible in this game that scum can control or mess with claimed roles so why lynch fuji if they can control him somehow
He’s already used the lie detect, and whilst it’s possible she’s walking it back for points, if we apply that logic we’d have to sus anyone that doesn’t want to kill a claimed power role, which is no objective standard by which we can possibly win.

TLDR this would read genuine if Fuji flipped town, and nefarious if he flipped scum to me


What could have been...
He’s already used the lie detect, and whilst it’s possible she’s walking it back for points, if we apply that logic we’d have to sus anyone that doesn’t want to kill a claimed power role, which is no objective standard by which we can possibly win.

TLDR this would read genuine if Fuji flipped town, and nefarious if he flipped scum to me
she insta town read him by his claim alone b4 he talked about his abilities, thats the problem

Well, it’s not really soft - I think she’s likelier to be town than Juliet lol
Tell me what do you think about post #1,578. This is one of the reason on why Misty is getting scum read and Dest also made a more clear post about Misty looking suspicious and I need to find on which page he was talking about her since I don't remember on what page it was.
based on nothing, its why im calling it tmi

she reads both of us as scum, or atleast tvs, but not tvt

she encourages fuji to claim and when he did she insta town cleared him, YET never attempted to push me at all

the logic flow doesnt make sense to me
Not to mention she was after you for fishing while encouraging @Fruitji ‘s claim. Just a lot of inconsistencies that she even admitted to.
Tell me what do you think about post #1,578. This is one of the reason on why Misty is getting scum read and Dest also made a more clear post about Misty looking suspicious and I need to find on which page he was talking about her since I don't remember on what page it was.
The vote on Nat pinged me at the time, I’ll grant you that. I’ll go read back some of the earlier posts
What a mess, trying to decipher someone with several contradictions

That said, contradictions and hypocrisy aren’t reliable indicators of scumminess as much as they are bad play
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