[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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What could have been...
Similar to this. I admit that All-Stars is the one game that goes against that pattern, however, in that game you weren't paying much attention to what was happening. I think you admitted that a few times. You weren't as active as you usually are.

Here, however, you do know what's going on and are super active but still lack the substance that town Usopp normally has. I can understand how you'd like that substance in All-Stars since you weren't paying attention, but here I don't.
yea like favs and bleach game on NF, or hololive game here
i cant keep up with everything in bigger games
i do still think ive been center of attention the entire day, i mean my name has been brought up more than almost everybody.
just cuz im not voted doesnt mean i am not attracting attention. it just means my points have been more solid right off the bat this time
Only other players im really willing to vote are Juliet (who has declared theyre no longer playing) and Cal, but thats more cause I know his game pretty well from elsewhere, and this isnt what Id expect from him
I've asked this because he happens to be my biggest scum lean in the game right now.
In the back of my head, I still have trouble believing Fuji vs Ekko was tvt so if we're to believe Fuji's claim, it would mean Ekko is the scum in that interaction. I also don't really like how he's asking me to trust him on the Conq TMI shit. Like, he should know my personality and play style, and especially with my interactions with him in the past, that I'm just not going to blindly trust or listen to him. If anything I feel like it's possible that the TMI he's claiming could be scum TMI. Someone gave a list of fucking nobles and than Conq himself said it seems like nobles might have similar passives, so that right there is a great opportunity for a Wolf to kind of get cozy and say 'I'm a noble with a similar passive' considering that I think there were six noble names listed.
Outside of the mainly discussed ppl today, who'd be ur picks amongst the lesser brought up ones?

3 names and reason
@QueenEmilia @RippedCal & @~UwU~ / @Rej

Emilia is nothing but fluff from what I’ve seen. I read some of the Valentines game so I know that they are perfectly capable of contributing as Town.

Cal is super inactive for someone I kind of expect to be more of a menace based on his personality that I’ve seen. He was inactive last game too as Town but he had irl stuff he mentioned that would keep him away. He hasn’t mentioned that here.

UwU/Rej both have really only contributed to flavor talk. I think between the two of them one is probably Scum but I don’t know which.


What could have been...
[Vote Lynch Lord Melkor]
I’ll give a pass to the other three shading me since they’re all newbies and know nothing about me, but What even is this comment.

When have you ever seen a scum Hayumi lay low as my strategy to go unnoticed. It’s the literal opposite and you of all people would know this considering how many times we’ve played scum together?
wifom af


maybe she did, that wud also explain how u said townies might have fodder roles and good roles might be given to scum or as fakes

u see how this goes both ways?
No. I already gave my explanation for why I think fodder roles would be fake claims. My explanation came from a hosting standpoint so it makes sense why I'd believe that. You just brought up how there are either fake claims or good guys are scum roles. You're the only one who brought up the latter.
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