Questions & Mysteries Zoro's lineage is... Bait

Oda is gonna face humongous backlash if he, in the middle of the climax of the war, wasted precious panels so that he could bait us into thinking that Zoro has a backstory with the Shimotsuku.
Imagine just to troll Zoro fans and readers for ZKK and at the end nothing :milaugh::milaugh:

I mean even neutral readers probably are thinking why suddenly in the middle of a war, Kaido is bringing onigashima to wano when he could have done that during 22 years, or talking about ushimaru now when he was just a random guy, talking about fate/shuusui, linking zoro to shimotsuki and a guy called Ryuma the same guy who killed a dragon above wano + all the hints from the manga or anime.
Just for what ? nothing at the end ?

OT : All things Oda is revealing right now is for giving motivation to the readers to accept that Zoro will kill Kaido.
I mean people were asking Zoro has nothing to do with Kaido, why he needs to kill him ?. But now knowing his lineage or all the parallels are related to Wano, yasu's introduction and his speech before he died ... to give us valid reasons that Zoro is with Luffy the one who need to deliver Wano.

Luffy can beat Kaido multiples times, but Kaido will always be back if he stays in his character and doesn't drop his brain and become a cheerleader ... You can't also put the WSC forever in jail like that ...

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You’re absolutely right, this is 100 percent bait…and YOU fucking fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. The reason Oda didn’t come right out and have them say Zoro IS unequivocally a Shimotsuki is so people like you would have enough wiggle room to cry about a false flag instead of putting any stock into what’s actually happening in the text (and subtext/context); like a moth to flame, here we are in this thread :zorothink:
I don't think Ushimaru went to fuck someone and gave birth to a child when he is even ashamed to say his name ... lol!
Probably grandson, Ushimaru looks too old.
it s his father u clown oda is not going to give this mf 2 chapters named after him just to be his grandpa
mf probably was 40 in that fb
zoro was born 1 year before oden s death so he was probably sent in eb
Well, supposedly we have a person similar to us somewhere in the world, so why not here? The Kuina-Tashigi example like you said.

And, how could Zoro arrive at East Blue from Wano?
His mother carried him alone? Unlikely.
Someone else came with his mother? Unlikely, it will be a totally new different character.

So yeah, I get that feeling of it, it's so obvious that it seems to be false.
Monkey D Dragon , a former cp0 helps Zoro and her Mom escape Wano maybe


Zoro Worshipper
I would of preffered if the Grandmaster didn't belong to a peculiar lineage of this kind but things went this way and I still appreciate the epicness our Lord Oda has permeated the plot with.

Formerly Seth

I know people are getting hyped about this but i want to remind everyone that this has already happened before. Oda already baited this Zoro lineage with the "Sunachi", "Wado Ichimonji" and Kozaburo situation. As a reminder, Oda in an SBS at the start of Wano said there is a familiar character who descended from Wano people. Then we learned Zoro is familiar with certain Wano words. Then we learn Zoro's Wado Ichimonji was made by a Wano blacksmith. Turns out this was completely about Kuina. Zoro knows Wano dialect because he heard the founder of his village, Kozaburo, say it. And Wado is the same as it has always been, a sword Zoro got from Kuina's father because he asked for it and proved his dedication to the same dream as Kuina.

Now the Bait is back. After none of the above having actually gone anywhere, Oda is laying it on thick. There's a samurai, Ushimaru who looks remarkably like Zoro, with similar fighting styles who happens to be related to Ryuma and the same Kozaburo who founded Zoro's village. It's a slam dunk now right? Hell there's even a "fate" thing with Zoro returning Shusui to Wano.

Well... why doesnt Onimaru recognize or care about Zoro's remarkable likeness to Ushimaru? Zoro was trained by Wano Samurai so why wouldn't he have a fighting style similar to them. In fact he was trained by people from the exact same family as this Ushimaru person. It's not like Zoro inherited a fighting style through his genes.

Zoro also returned another sword to Wano, Sandai Kitetsu. It was made by Hitetsu. Shouldn't that mean Zoro has some tie to Hitetsu similar to how returning Shusui means Zoro is tied to Ryuma. Uncanny resemblances go as far as Tashigi looks exactly like Kuina despite them being unrelated. And again, Zoro having One eye isnt a biological factor to tie him to Ryuma in anyway.

That's not even to mention how the timelines of these things don't work at all.

This seems like bait to me. Especially because Zoro is uninvolved entirely. Why would his lineage matter if he doesnt know or care about it? if someone were to tell him "Hey, you look exactly like this one guy we knew", wouldn't zoro just remember Tashigi and Kuina and say "So? Where's the damn booze?".
I agree. This fuckery by Oda must be finished sooner or later. Nami has like 3 clones. Trashigi looks like Kuina and etc.
I trade your "bait" word with "filler". I think "filler" is the more appropriate word here. Oda wasting time like usual in subplots that lead to absolutely no where. Oda trying to create fake hype again.
The "baits" exist for a purpose- and that purpose leads to a better, bigger development generally.

Oda wouldn't just wake up and go "Lmao let's clown on the fanbase of second most popular character in my manga!"

Anyhow, the way it's presented is definitely not the bait. Just as the chapter with Ryuuma was released, we get Vivre Card which says Zoro has deep connection with Wano's past. It's a sealed deal lol


No IT's not, the guy with yamato looks 1000% Like Zoro , IT's Like he tiem traveled. And we know wano people left the country and mare that vilage in east blue, and kuina is confirmed shitmosuki


THANK YOU! Finally found someone besides me that understood that. I didn't knew we had so many proofs of Kuina being descedant from Wano/Shimotsuki.