Is TACy a she or a he?

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If basically you become adult by shinobu power, you get lots of strenght without any training, maybe even haki, maybe even the skills of swordsmen who train their asses for many years and suddenly can face hybrid kaido like that, it doesn't make her power the most op ? She can just use it on luffy and 40's luffy will kick Kaido's ass lmao.

Hope oda not gonna give some bs PIS for momo!
You don't need to read the full summary to know that this obviously won't happen.

Momo will most likely not be at the rooftop for that long, he has to stop the falling Onigashima
I corrected you there. You don't deal any damage with basic CoC. It doesn't amplify anything. Plus Advanced CoC is needed to scar Kaido.
Basic CoC is useful in strength clashes, Luffy vs Kata,Doffy,Chinjao all present.

If Kaido saw Luffy's subordinate have adv CoC, why would he dismissively proudly state seconds later, that Coc specialist Luffy and captain of said subordinate, couldn't possibly have it? Seriously answer that question alone, if you respond to anything else in this post, it is one of the worst jumps of logic around the Wano arc.

I don't understand why you even want it to be adv CoC for Zoro, as that would be a massive L for him to have less of a shock factor using Asura than Luffy's base punches immediately after.

Luffy didn's scar Kaido, Roger didn't scar even base Oden with his adv CoC, so no.
Nothing to do with scars.
so you're saying sanji was just standing there watching while the 2 commanders kicked the life out of marco?? lmao that doesn't even make sense

queen was fighting sanji, obviously. while marco was getting bodied by king
Well re-read the chapter when Marco was fighting two commanders he was already fatigue,but u are blind when he was healing the whole live floor because of Queen's Virus? U know that was something that him was losing Stamina, right?
Zoro has
  1. Enma
  2. Fire fox style
  3. Base CoC infused Asura
  4. Shimotsuki atavism
  5. (Black blade maybe)

it worked on Laws crew, Luffy can inject his voice LOUDLY into the mind of others, (subconsciously at the moment), remember how Zunisha basically disabled Luffy and Momo... that is the potential of this power.
What the fuck is Shimotsuki atavism
He’s always been the same guy
We didn’t say oh shit Shimotsuki flashback kicking in, during Hyuozou fight lmao
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