General & Others Zoro vs Sanji is the most forced "rivalry" of all time

Never in the story was Sanji ever written to be equal with Zoro strength wise. His goal, compared to Luffy and Zoro is not competitive. He has never had a fight in which he had to push his body beyond his limits like those 2.

It makes more sense strength AND popularity wise, to compare Zoro to Luffy and not Sanji.

Change my mind.
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Never in the story was Sanji ever written to be equal with Zoro strength wise. His goal, compared to Luffy and Zoro is not competivive. He has never had a fight in which he had to push his body beyond his limits like those 2.

It makes more sense strength AND popularity wise, to compare Zoro to Luffy and not Sanji.

Change my mind.
You are spitting fax, the 6 clowns above me can't give you facts so they mock you
You are spitting fax, the 6 clowns above me can't give you facts so they mock you
The facts are that Oda is flexible with how he portrays the TRIO. Sometimes it’s all 3, other times it’s luffy and zoro, other times it’s zoro and sanji with luffy CLEARLY above them both but it is very fucking painfully obvious that they are a trio and are all relative to each other no matter what your own personal head canon and power scaling tell you. There’s some facts for you, clown.
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You can say this rivalry isn't well wtighted (it's your opinion) but she can't be forced as it's Oda who push and made this rivalry not the fans themselves
Here's the thing, you can compare Zoro and Sanji as to how much they contribute for the strawhats success, Sanji is often the most clutch strawhat. You can also argue that he is a better written character(which I don't agree with). But I really don't understand why so many people argue as to who is stronger. It's like Sanji fans love being in losing arguments.
The facts are that Oda is flexible with how he portrays the TRIO. Sometimes it’s all 3, other times it’s luffy and zoro, other times it’s zoro and sanji eith luffy CLEARLY above them both but it is very fucking painfully obvious that are a trio and are all relative to each other no matter what your own personal head canon and power scaling tell you. There’s some facts for you, clown.
They are a trio. But the rivalry is a complete Gag. While Zoro was handling shit on the roof with the top Next Gen leading novas, Sanji was getting pack up by a Fodder
Here's the thing, you can compare Zoro and Sanji as to how much they contribute for the strawhats success, Sanji is often the most clutch strawhat. You can also argue that he is a better written character(which I don't agree with). But I really don't understand why so many people argue as to who is stronger. It's like Sanji fans love being in losing arguments.
Same thing for Zoro/Luffy and even more.
So why you try to push this rivalry ?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Zoro and Sanji aren't rivals for strength, but competitive to be better than the other for petty shit. Zoro and Sanji have repeatedly been compared to other, same with Luffy and Zoro.

Luffy>Zoro>Sanji with high diff differences between Luffy and Zoro, and Zoro and Sanji. Always has been, always will be. No "King mid diffs Queen" or "Zoro>Luffy" propaganda can change that.


Never in the story was Sanji ever written to be equal with Zoro strength wise. His goal, compared to Luffy and Zoro is not competitive. He has never had a fight in which he had to push his body beyond his limits like those 2.

It makes more sense strength AND popularity wise, to compare Zoro to Luffy and not Sanji.

Change my mind.
Tell to wb that dream was to Have a family, BM to Have family same height as her or kaidou wanting a crew of zoans ' strength' based dreams. Mihawk himself saying that becoming PK is much harder then becoming WSs
Never in the story was Sanji ever written to be equal with Zoro strength wise. His goal, compared to Luffy and Zoro is not competivive. He has never had a fight in which he had to push his body beyond his limits like those 2.

It makes more sense strength AND popularity wise, to compare Zoro to Luffy and not Sanji.

Change my mind.
Naruto and sauske weren't even equal in terms of skill and strength at first when they considered eachother rivals.. (chunin exams)
sauske was in a whole different league a prodigy persay (ofc this is just to get my point through and this is a typical shonen rivalry so why not)

and matter the fact you're basing your argument on inequality is strength is what's delirious..
they usually want to out do each other and that's rivalry.. and LITTLE GARDEN is an ideal and symbolic example of thier derive.

definition of rivalry:

noun [ C/U ]



a serious and often continuing competition:
-Cambridge dictionary

we see that drive when it comes to bounties, like i said in Little garden as well, Davy back fight, Sabaody etc etc..

its may not be strength rivalry .. but it does include it.