Is TACy a she or a he?

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wrong we should all go with the offical that oda said which is female from vivre card becuase oda is author we have to respect him
Oda said Yamato is a woman but that doesn't mean the main plot has changed. The main plot is that she wants to be a man because she wants to be Oden(she doesn't even care about her gender) so for now you can call her as whatever you want.

What you said is just like saying future Deku from bnha says that this is the story of how he became the greatest hero, but you don't see people calling him the greatest hero, we are still waiting until the story ends to call him that.


Zoro Worshipper
Fighting Kaido one on one, clashing named attacks and coming out on top, surviving while Kaido is actually aiming for them. Actually making Kaido fight seriously rather than laughing.

Zoro wasn’t being aimed at by Kaido the entire rooftop and was getting help by all the others. When Zoro clashed against Kaido with his strongest attack even that healed quickly. Just the mark remains.
*she never tackled Hakai
*never seriously injured him if at all
*never displayed a level of combat speed proficient enough to blitz Kaido
*never displayed his level of resilience
*never displayed his astounding defensive output


Yamato got a shot at fighting Kaido 1v1 while Zoro didnt. The closest he got to a 1v1 with Kaido was Ashura and we know how that went.
Luffy fought Kaido one v one while everyone was up there, you think Zoro just chose not to try again?

Cmon. Zoro didn’t one v one Kaido because he currently can’t. No one but Luffy and Yamato currently can because of their Conquerors coating
God forbid a MYTHICAL Zoan has special abilities, right? Have you not seen what Kaido can do? Please tell me you'll complain just as much about him too then? What she can do is similar to Amaterasu from Okami and certain aspects from mythology.

Such an extreme overreaction, so ridiculous! Y'all love clutching at straws more than Hawkins does! Any excuse to hate and downplay her right? Including extreme exaggerations and unlikely to impossible scenarios? Granted I hate her Oden obsession though, but that's on Oda not her too. If she "was real" then she would be more responsible/accountable for that behaviour naturally.

I can't believe people are still arguing so much about her gender on here, have y'all really got nothing better to do with your lives? Who needs to go to Twitter or Tumblr when all that toxicity, politics, nit picking is being replicated/brought over to here? But then again, I wouldn't recommend anyone to go either of those sites, especially Twitter.

I don't like that a completely busted character just rained off the sky like a blessing for the protagonists to win, i don't care about gender stuff. Everyone could be a frog i don't care
No, Zoro was never targeted on the rooftop and I don’t think Zoro has the ability to stall Kaido on his own like Yamato has.
so that's your point of view.

Brook faced Big Mom and actually did super well,
Chopper stalled Big Mom for a short moment,
Jimbei faced a mad big mom and stalled her decently,
Marco faced Big Mom, she grabbed him but she wanted pero to kill him but when he failed, she ran away from marco,
The same Marco faced many admirals, two DF BB and he is still fine,
Zoro never got a 1 vs 1 against big mom. The only time Zoro got a 1 vs 1 against Kaido, it was at the end with a broken body that he could avoided easily but unfortunately he took all the damages to save his comrades. How it's fair to say zoro can't if he was healthy ?

The only time Zoro faced Kaido in 1 vs 1 being fine, it was for Hiryu Kaen but it's the only attack Oda wanted to miss when kaido literally tanked +30 or 40 named attacks. That's enough to prove us actually Zoro could have hurt seriously Kaido if even Big Mom asked him to dodge.

Being never targeted means they can't face a top tier or kaido ?
Zoro is facing King the guy who is the strongest after kaido, who tanked his onigiri with haki post rooftop, that says a lot. The same King who has 0 wound after facing Marco for a decent amount of time.

If Marco can stall true top tiers, then king who is also his rival can stall any top tiers. So finally Zoro who is probably above or in any case equal to King can definitely face any admirals and yonkou at this point of story.

Oda just confirmed again One Piece gonna end soon and you think in 2 or 3 arcs, Zoro will jump from being not capable to face Kaido in 1 vs 1 to be above or equal of Kaido at EOS ?

If Luffy, yamato, law, kidd or anyone are Kaido or Big Mom in 1 vs 1, Zoro who will defeat another world strongest in few arcs can definitely do better than what you think.
But the difference Zoro won't go only to stall because with his AP, he can literally murder anyone without plot armor.
Zoro is even more suited to hold off Kaido than Yamato he would never struggle as much to deal damage or even protect himself
zoro couldnt properly hold kamazo the menslayer without getting stabs and faint out.hell he cant even hold hody jones without getting caged like a little bird.or enel, or kuma. he never meant to fight bosses on 1 vs 1 fight. and now he i am seing zoro can hold yonko 1 vs 1 or zkk lol
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