I think you’ve misunderstood me if you think I’m being patronizing. I’m really not. I’m being genuine with my apprehension.
It doesn't really matter, but "Not giving Mafia my role would seem of benefit to Town." is what I was referring to.
I don’t think asking for more opinions is anti town.
Good thing that isn't what I said, then. Withholding information when you have a player in a lie makes town less informed. As it is, Rej is probably the lynch, but Sera could be too. And I've specifically asked not for a full claim, but the part you have Rej in a lie in. If that be flavour, then claim flavour. If that be role, then claim role. And so on.
And no. Mafia wouldn’t know which part of the claim I know is a lie yet. I can think of at least a few roles I could have with different info where I could have a counter claim to this.
At the very least, they would have a good idea. If they've been given fake claims for flavour, then they know they don't need to worry about that. If they know Rej is a Busdriver, then they know they don't need to worry about that. You're not really factoring in that they are the "informed" faction, they probably know more than you realise due to your posting in this game. And it's not like not claiming will keep a target off of your back, either. Because again, if Rej is scum, they know you caught him in a lie lol.