Unfortunately Marines don’t get any bounties but I’m calling it now, after Reverie/Wano Smoker & Coby are going to be promoted to Admiral & Vice Admiral respectively.
If I were to appraise them equivalent bounties based off of that it’d be:
Smoker: North of 2bil (Promotion: Admiral - Admiral class bounties are about that much at least I reckon)
Coby: About 500 mil (Promotion - Vice Admiral - I reckon Elite VAs like Onigumo, Momonga etc. [the ones assigned to a buster call & base captains] would be about 300mil exempting characters like Chanton, Momosagi, Tsuru & off course Garp. Coby like the aforementioned exemptees, is an outlier for me so I appraised him higher)

: 400mil (Promotion to VA - Like Coby I think she’d be an outlier the VA category. She’s the Tsuru of her generation imo.)
Tashigi: About 200mil (Promotion to Rear Admiral - Like the aforementioned, she’d most likely be cut from a different cloth in comparison to the rest in her rank. I expect her to get a sword upgrade on Wano. O Wazamono class wouldn’t be asking for too much I don’t think)
Helmeppo: About 200mil (Promotion to Captain - Like Tashigi, he’ll also stand out in
his rank)
Sentomaru: 600mil~800mil (Fact that he can use Ryuuou is hype and IIRC some folks had him as high as the likes of Katakuri coz of the fact but considering most elite warriors on Wano can use it, fact that Sentomaru can use Ryou doesn’t automatically put him as high as Katakuri imo. Still however proves that the man is a beast though)
*Edit: I did Tashigi bad on this ^^’ forgot she was already a captain

Corrected it tho(y)