General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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We ain't getting a new admiral as we already have 3 main admiral which how the system works, but I do think Coby could jump all the way to VA due to saving a princess and god knows what else could play out due to the Revo vs marines + WG during the reverie meeting, but Oda may possibly make special VA elite force where Smoker could be part of along with admiral candidates and some more...
I think Kizaru falls on Wano. Opening up a new spot for Smoker. If we get ROCKS/LOCKS this arc, it’d be a massive opportunity for Smoker to rack up feats kinda like the way Garp did and yh I expect Coby to rack up mad feats at the reverie. According to Helmeppo, his current rank doesn’t reflect his abilities coz he’s way too modest. With the Revs attacking Marijoea most people get to see just how strong Coby is.
I do agree about Apoo and Hawkins tho Drake could be different!! Just my head canon, but I feel Oda is gonna have more in store for this guy when it comes to marines future!!
Drake? I don't think he ever goes back to being a marine. Though it is kind of fishy how he let Sanji get away from him. Maybe he is going to betray Kaido but I still find it highly unlikely. He and Hawkins basically oversaw the execution of Yasuie. Do you think the red scabbards are going to just forgive them.
I think Kizaru falls on Wano. Opening up a new spot for Smoker. If we get ROCKS/LOCKS this arc, it’d be a massive opportunity for Smoker to rack up feats kinda like the way Garp did and yh I expect Coby to rack up mad feats at the reverie. According to Helmeppo, his current rank doesn’t reflect his abilities coz he’s way too modest. With the Revs attacking Marijoea most people get to see just how strong Coby is.
I doubt and hope Kizaru doesn't fall in this arc... I actually have him as the guy who defeats BM in an extreme diff fight on Akainu vs Aokiji lvl battle!!
Drake? I don't think he ever goes back to being a marine. Though it is kind of fishy how he let Sanji get away from him. Maybe he is going to betray Kaido but I still find it highly unlikely. He and Hawkins basically oversaw the execution of Yasuie. Do you think the red scabbards are going to just forgive them.
Definitely Drake ain't going back as the marines currently are، but either way he has been very fishy as you said...


"How is Kidd surpassing law" lol
The only reason he even surpassed kidd was because he was inactive.

Law will be a supportive character for Kidd and luffy vs kaido
He wont participate in that fight really as main fighter.
"How is Kidd surpassing law" lol
The only reason he even surpassed kidd was because he was inactive.
fuck u mean he was inactive smh. Laws bounty before DR was only 30 mil short of kids, and he did it in a faction of the time lls stop the nonsense.
Law will be a supportive character for Kidd and luffy vs kaido
He wont participate in that fight really as main fighter.
baseless, u could basically say the same nonsense for backwards wit kid.
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"How is Kidd surpassing law" lol
The only reason he even surpassed kidd was because he was inactive.

Law will be a supportive character for Kidd and luffy vs kaido
He wont participate in that fight really as main fighter.
440m frozen bounty is more impressive than a 470m active bounty. Law had the highest bounty hike of all the supernovas during the two years time skip.
I think its highly possible that Kidd just leaves Wano to go back to his original ambitions, IE, taking down Shanks. Kaido may piss him off, but he never intended to fight Kaido until he literally fell from the sky on him.
I think its highly possible that Kidd just leaves Wano to go back to his original ambitions, IE, taking down Shanks. Kaido may piss him off, but he never intended to fight Kaido until he literally fell from the sky on him.
I doubt it, Kid has to much heart for that. He's definitely going to help law/Luffy put Kaido on his back.
I doubt and hope Kizaru doesn't fall in this arc... I actually have him as the guy who defeats BM in an extreme diff fight on Akainu vs Aokiji lvl battle!!
Haha :p tbh when thinking matchups for Wano, I also thought about a potential Kizaru v BM fight ^^, coz at the time, I thought the alliance would need some sorta external help to aid them (intentionally or unintentionally) against BM in the case of a Kaidou/BM alliance and Kizaru was one of my options but after pondering on it a bit, I don’t think Oda will write a scenario where a Yonkou takes out an admiral or vice versa. Currently, I have Weevil & Bakkin facing off against Kizaru ^^

Smoker is weak af. He won't be Admiral with his current strength.
Punk Hazard Smoker yes, but Wano Smoker is a different kettle of fish:catrude:. He’s had 2 arcs worth of plot progression to get stronger. Plus he got his ass kicked by Law, Vergo & Doffy and some of his subordinates killed or almost killed by the later two, so a lot of motivation to get stronger, he’s currently with Aokiji so chances of him getting trained by Aokiji are high, he’s also a recurring character in the series and Luffy’s marine rival. I expect Smoker to be incomparable to his PH self when next we see him ^^.


Luffy 2-2.3 billion
Zoro 900 million-1.2 billion
Sanji 800 million-1 billion
Jimbei 700+ million if he lives

Law 1.4-1.8 billion (more or less depends on their contribution)
Kid 1.4-1.8 billion (more or less depends on their contribution)

don't care about others bounty much
What heart?
He literally went to Luffy when he offered him the opportunity to take down Kaido together "Screw that, I'M DOING MY OWN SHIT!!!!"
If anything, that's a pretty blatant disregard for it...
Does it matter tho? In the end Oda will play out a scenario where Kid and Luffy + some other SNs fight together against Kaido....
Does it matter tho? In the end Oda will play out a scenario where Kid and Luffy + some other SNs fight together against Kaido....
Maybe, but I think Kidd will probably find his own glory, as opposed to sharing his glory with others.

Can't really say currently, given the arc is still unfolding, but I don't think its impossible he picks a fight with another emperor to try and get himself up.
Maybe, but I think Kidd will probably find his own glory, as opposed to sharing his glory with others.

Can't really say currently, given the arc is still unfolding, but I don't think its impossible he picks a fight with another emperor to try and get himself up.
Kid could possibly go for another try against Kaido after he gets his crew back, but still he will obviously fail since he would do it solo still whether he likes it or not Kid would be forced to share the glory with the rest no different than that of Luffy vs Kaido where to the public both Luffy and Law shared an equal glory of defeating Doffy.


440m frozen bounty is more impressive than a 470m active bounty. Law had the highest bounty hike of all the supernovas during the two years time skip.
He became warlord not 2 years ago but during the 2 years.... he killed lots of people to have that bounty and become warlord

Kidd will remain above Law.
There is a reason why Oda didnt let Law get beaten by kaido ... coz he isnt ready to figh top tiers yet
He needs first to fight a YC tier and not lose..

He is being put vs Hawkins Vergo lol...
He became warlord not 2 years ago but during the 2 years.... he killed lots of people to have that bounty and become warlord
So? In two years he added 220m of bounty then got out of the bounty game and still Kid couldn't outdistance himself. The moment he got into the game again he surpassed Kid. I don't think it's a given Kid will top his bounty. At best they will get the same bounty figure but Law has the possibility of having the higher bounty.
so kid had a higher bounty than law in sabaody cause of civilian casualties by a marginof 115 mil. over two years kid increased his to 475 and law closed the gap getting to 440mil and then got his bounty frozen soon after. Then a couple weeks in the new world he now has a higher bounty than kid has in his entire 2 yrs in new world .
hey just reading facts here
kid didnt lose an arm to shanks he lost it in a battle with the red hair pirates. could be anyone really. wonder why he would lose to shanks and say red hair pirates . hint : shanks has no time for scrubs
kid didnt beat a commander he injured one.(could be snack) doubt what he did was intense seeing how brulee tossed him aside with apoo and bege

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Guts with no accomplishment is futile. thinking kid will be treated different from law was against doffy is wishful thinking
bounties imo
luffy 2bil -2.3
kid - 1.3 bil
law - 1bil to 1.3
zoro - 850 mil to 1.1bil
sanji - 700 to 900 mil
killer - 550mil to 700 mil
rest I really dont know. some being in kaido's crew and what not.
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