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Sulong Inurashi defeated Jack, the same Inurashi who teamed up with Two others almost as Strong as him (Kyoshiro & Ashura) + Kin'emon, and they tried to do Ultimate Combo on Kaido but couldn't open even Old Scar, but Asura/CoC Zoro performed much better

You know what this means? Zoro is vastly Superior than these Commanders
Only reason King will give him some Difficulty is because he fights Dirty & can Fly (Actually that's why Oda gave him this Fighting Style)
And just like Robin & Franky crushed those Tobbi Roppo, Sanji will also crush Queen

Commanders are like most Overrated Thing i'v seen on this Forum
When Oda wants to Highlight them, he gives them CoC, as simple as that
When someone compares AP & lethality to overall strength
You suck and overrate Zoro

Zoro only has better lethality and AP via enma
He's not better than Sulong dukes really
Let zoro mid diff King then we can talk if he's above Sulong dukes or not

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Yeah and people thought the Crying Shrimps and L Performers wouldn’t be trash. Fuji and Ryo will job to the Gorosei in order to hype up the real big bads. Kizaru gets trashed and killed by BB after Wano. Akainu gets fisted by Sabo. The SHs fight the Gorosei and Imu
People thought not fishes
Fishes > People
Don Le Fishe is always right!
Post automatically merged:

Also L preformers? :gokulaugh:
Good one
Spoiler, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Little Spoiler, more soon :feelsokeman:

- Chapter 1,026: "The Decisive Battle" (天王山).
- Kaidou shoots his “Bolo Breath” and Momonosuke barely manages to dodge it.
- Momonosuke bites Kaidou, who screams in pain.
- Inuarashi and Nekomamushi lose their “Sulong” form because the clouds have covered the moon.
- Luffy and Kaidou attack each other using Color of the Supreme King Haki. Their attacks do not touch but the impact is so strong that the sky splits in two.
- Thanks to that, the full moon can be seen again so Inuarashi and Nekomamushi recover their “Sulong” form and defeat Jack and Perospero.
I guess it's the kind of chapter who can't get you hyped up before you get the pictures ? :choppawhat:
When reading the spoilers it feels so short though ... :josad:
how does king fighting dirty? is mentioned that he won't just use swords to fight...he will king and punch, not just you call Zoro dirty if he fights with swords against someone barehanded?
:milaugh:he already claiming King fights dirty when he only used his sword

Zoro is the one who claim to win via dirty tricks
King fights like he fights...he only has fire and his torturing equipments
Everything is a bad writing... unless its support your favorite character...

Some people read it every week, and forgot the context of the story in each arc and overall story...

If you reread it all over it again youll get it... but yeah your favorite always the fisrt thing that matter...
these spoilers are too short to make head or tails of, and they are already throwing tantarums for the 1000th times before the scans...nothing new...
Would people rather see Luffy defeat Kaido 1v1 like this or Supernova captains defeat him 3v1

Second lets say for argument sake Luffy beats Kaido 1v1... then what's really next? Who is stronger than Kaido
I've been saying this several times, but King won't push Zoro past mid-diff. :steef:

And the only reason Queen might push Cook past mid-diff is because Cook has been ragdolled by King twice and Black Maria before, so Queen lucked out in that regard. :milaugh:
Yeah people been hyping King because they're afraid Zoro will struggle against him.
He won't, King is about go get mid diffed as you said and once the cook gets his power up same will happen with Queen.
Their fights will get more focus than Jack obviously but calamities are not that strong
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