If the raid fails I’m taking a break from one piece. Im not going to keep weekly reading this shit. I’ll come back for the end of wano or the next arc
Oh god, if Oda actually is still going for that at this point, I'm going to end up going terminally insane probably lol. Especially given how extremely toxic Morj fans will become even more inevitably due to this! Also anyone who has just been on the Raid Failing bandwagons regardless of Morjs video too ofc!
I used to want the raid to fail but now given how much this arc is dragged out, it would ironically be the worst possible thing to happen, sigh.
I was just thinking the same thing too funnily enough, I feel like taking a break from OP and just binging it after a few months at least, probably from January as it's the new year ofc and I'll possibly enjoy it more, at least slightly more lmao. But given how much this arc is dragging out, we might need a year's break or something to truly not get dragged by this sluggish pace!
I'm scared if I drop it though, I'll miss out on Act 3 ending/the next outside Wano chapter/whether Onigashima does actually fall or is stopped and thus if the raid fails and just any potential insane plot twists, lore drops/reveals, character appearances like Shanks, Vegapunk or Green Bull to come, Kaido's flashback, Rocks Pirates flashback etc. Knowing my luck, all this shit will decide to happen if I do drop the series temporarily LMAO!

I really pray that we don't have anymore long arcs left, I can't do this anymore. Dressrosa almost made me drop OP permanently especially in the anime too and now Wano/Onigashima, sigh....3 years strong and still going...Oda said he didn't want to repeat the mistakes of Dressrosa, of making another arc as long/too long like that, but here we are, falling victim to Oda's trolling as usual.
I get the feeling Shanks will get a very short arc, maybe Zou length by comparison to Dressosa/WCI/Wano especially although OP arcs used to be like 35-40 chapters max or so I think? I figured around 40 would be good for Elbaf, maybe 50-60 maximum but I'm so genuinely fatigued/exhausted with OP and I just want the story to move on and conclude already. Preferably with as many questions/mysteries answered/solved as possible, as many things revealed and shown as possible, but nah we "need more offscreens, silhouettes, death fakeouts and fodder characters being focused over more important characters!"
At least regarding pre TS OP, I can go back and still enjoy it greatly, at least parts of it at worst but post TS, I never ever want to re-read it, re-live for it for as long as I live. It feels more like a gruelling punishment/sentence. Post TS OP has not felt written by Oda at all to me. Either he's changed drastically or he's not writing OP anymore.