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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You have to survive a clash between Scotchinformer and Lance to earn the mods' respect and not have your posts censored.
This actually isn’t true - the mods are all godless savages with no frame of reference for the concept of respect, therefore earning theirs is impossible, and the Lance/Scotch thing is just a myth that started after critical mindset was banned for the eighth time #WorstGenHistoryLesson :christindeed:


Talent is something you make bloom.
This arc has been a huge let down, its supposed to be the culmination of a saga that started with Fishman island ffs, and its just bad man.

No tension or stakes, the good guys plot armor being shoved in our faces constantly, meh.
I think my favorite thing is how the last 4 chapters, people praised and praised and praised and praised the manga awesome panels, action, Zoro's Shimotsuki connection, Ushimaru, Oni species confirmation, Yamato's ice powers, etc.

And aaaaaaaallll that goes down the drain because of 2 scabbard fights described from 2 sentences lol. Like, I'm annoyed too, but my god the "fuck Oda, fuck one piece, Oda is an idiot" comments are so ridiculous considering all of you will be here next week and the following and when it's a Zoro/Sanji moment the praises will be sung about how awesome the series is again.

Fact is I at least can respect @Seth and @lee33 because they literally have nothing good to say ever and stick to it lol. The rest of you (not those complaining about the chapter, but those COMPLAINING that the chapter destroys all of one peice ) are some hypocrites.

Can't wait to read "chapter is way better than I thought". Once the summary and pics release
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