It's called bad writing! If two years ago I talled you that we would *never see even one Jack fight* you would have called me crazy. It would be strange to even suggest something like that, Oda would never do that, Right??? Well, the problem is that he would, and he actually just did it. People overestimate Oda's credibility, they think that he really cares, but he doesn't, he fucking doesn't. In an interview he literally said "at this point I don't even care about the plot" or something along those lines, and people simply dismissed it, they thought it was a joke, cuz Oda would never do that right?

Yeah, yeah here we go again...
Now everyone is thinking, or rather hoping, that Oda doesn't do the same thing with King and Queen, ah. 😥 I'm not so sure about it. I think Oda is going to dump them too, and the fact that Oda is already *off screening their fights* might be the indicator of it.