Mafia Calendar

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The End and the Beginning
By special mafia do you mean super role madness?
Oh, no, "Pokemon Special" is the theme. The game itself will be under "Role Madness".
don't mock us man lmaoooo

how are we qualified to coach you??
Nooooo, it wasn't mockery! ;-; I just didn't want to circumvent the rules or assume I could. ...I'll just take the compliment, and thank you.


Theme - N/A
Players - N/A
Type - Role Madness or may be SRM if I become eligible to host one
Host - @Reborn @RayanOO @Natalija
Theme - N/A
Hosts - @Reborn @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Cray Cray
Players - N/A
Type - Role Madness
Game Theme : N/A
Host : @Noctis and @Nana
Game Type : Role Madness
Players: N/A
@RayanOO @Natalija @Reborn @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Wris @Noctis @Nana

Please decide on what themes your respective games are going to be. I'd prefer to not put "N/A" in the calendar.



There's no "Tina!"
The calendar has been updated. To my season 3 hosts, I need y'all to confirm your position. Do you still want to host your game and/or do you want it switched around? Also, if you want to change the theme.

If I do not get a confirmation within 30 days, I will remove your game.
I'm still down to host mine. As for the theme, I may or may not change it. But if I do, I'll let you know.


Zoro Worshipper
The calendar has been updated. To my season 3 hosts, I need y'all to confirm your position. Do you still want to host your game and/or do you want it switched around? Also, if you want to change the theme.

If I do not get a confirmation within 30 days, I will remove your game.
Still hosting it regularly, yes. Same theme.


The calendar has been updated. To my season 3 hosts, I need y'all to confirm your position. Do you still want to host your game and/or do you want it switched around? Also, if you want to change the theme.

If I do not get a confirmation within 30 days, I will remove your game.
Change Round 3 to :

Theme : The Bloody Valentine
Host : @Noctis @Rhea
Game Type : Role Madness
Players : 25-30

And Round 12 replace with The Major Arcana


Blood Manipulation
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