Strongest YC1

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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower


The Rogue Prince
He intercepted one attack (lasers). People are shown to dodge lasers casually.
I wouldn't necessarily equate a named attack from Kizaru, which was aimed at Whitebeard of all people, to a Pacifista or one of Queen's lasers.

Also, Marco was blitzing King multiple times on screen while dealing with Queen and wasting his flames of resurrection on the alliance. Everything else happened off panel. Yet you make it sound like King beat him in a 1 on 1.
Well, Queen was busy with Chopper and Sanji. Who else could've fought Marco during that time period?

Yes, Marco was nerfed and yes, he was outpacing him during Ch 1006 for the most part. I'm not even doubting that. However, King didn't use Hybrid and didn't sustain any major injuries while putting down someone who is at the very least comparable to him if not stronger.

And even that Flame Punch from King which Sanji hoped to intercept, had to be blocked by Marco. At the very least, a severly bruised up and tired Marco is significantly faster than Sanji, again another super fast character.

King also outpaced Raid Suit Sanji when he saved and was carrying Momonosuke when he caught up to him and kicked him.

King has been shown to be a really fast character.

And again, Big Mom was clashing with Marco and grabbing him - where is his lightspeed?
What lightspeed? You think Big Mom isn't fast enough to keep up with other top tiers, especially Kizaru? Speed is pretty inconsistent in One Piece, no doubt, but using PIS moments from Meme to say she isn't fast ain't it chief.
@Pan D. A. Man I don’t ever feel like people are using my abbreviated handle as a pejorative or a racial slur until YOU fucking say it, keep Crane’s name as well as mine out of your mouth :hapnoel:
What racial slur? You mean saying 'Jew'? Bruh, your name on your alt is 'Jew D. Boy'. What else do I have to say about your account name? Why put that name if you think on insecurity that manner. Dumbass to called someone racist when you pick the name yourself. Do you expect me to called you 'Boy'? Boy can be shown as racial dynamic by how you say too. Don't be idiot :pepeke:.
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