Strongest YC1

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Luffy splitting the skies with Kaido is nothing more than CoC development. Sure it adds something to his power but Luffy is not one-shooting Zoro. He is not in a league that is out of Zoro's grasp. You are the one spreading headcanon here.
Yeah and COC gives you more power to your attacks and Luffy is on another level on that to be Yonko lvl while we have same Zoro you guys try to forced could 'one-shot' YCs after Rooftop, but here he is begging King not to drop him after his attack harms him. Your not being honest if your saying Zoro is at Luffy's level or stronger than him as that headcannon this point. Zoro is struggling to YC while Luffy is fighting Yonko and reaching that level. The gap is big, bruh.


Zoro Worshipper
If he going into Kaido's power-level, he has easier time to beat YCs than Zoro who is struggling here and is YC lvl. King is not near Yonko lvl to give challenge either. Your only one crying as Oda put Luffy on tiers above Zoro which is canon, not begging as Zoro is really putting :kayneshrug:.
How do you already know how close King is to Kaido?

So far he is doing amazingly against Zoro. Zoro probably needs Asura to bring him down if he wants to do it rather quick.
What does my age have to do with anything in my vocabulary lmao.
Your age matters dude. A grown ass man getting excited because Momo is not 8 years old man isn't normal and that is something I don't want to engage in.

Who the fuck says im excited by anything? I'm saying Yamato protected an 8 year old Momo for 20 chapters because he was 8, small as shit, and was being attacked by an entire Yonko crew.
Yes captain obvious, duh we all know that. My point is that was stupid and a waste of time and Oda is here writing as if he is going to repeat those same events.

Yamato won't need need protect him at all.
Luffy literally said, "Yamato protect Momo" LMFAO!! Dude wtf?

I'm not "salivating" at the idea of Onigashima being a ticking bomb for Wano. I'm merely predicting at what is going to happen, because it's what I think is happening.
Well your other statement sounded like you are "salivating" with the events that is going to get transpired. So far what we know is that Luffy told Yaamato to protect Momo which is the exact same line he told her 30 chapters ago and we all know what happened then. I am predicting it based off past events and you are predicting it based on what exactly, your own head canon?

The fuck is wrong with you? If you are younger then me, then go outside and spend your time elsewhere rather than tell me how I feel about a manga's plot. I get paid to be here I'm my situation so. Learn to read or grow the fuck up
I asked your age because any 20 something year old getting excited because Momo is now a "big ass dragon" or "is not 8 years old anymore" isn't normal. I don't want to engage with anyone at that age getting excited over something that childish.
Zoro fans are dumb at a very high level, and where they are, they leave it at the worst level it has. Must be a fan base minus 12
Once their headcannons are debunked, they always act out this manner on damage control instead of admitting fault. They haven't admit on 'ZKK' being debunked after even this confirms more Luffy is beating Kaido one on one.
How does that old truism go about being a dipshit on the Internet?? “There’s a main character every day on WG, and it’s always, ALWAYS Moe in a spoiler thread”??
He does it by feeding himself the lie he is some noble saint of this forum, then in an oh so awful attempt to defend himself instead of ignoring or debating, he baits and also debaits through wild accusations, name calling and OP lies and when he gets called out by everyone he then backs into a corner and makes accusations against Zbois, and the cycle starts all over and he wonders why everyone here calls him the user that was formerly the most toxic in the forum and believes he is Moe
I don't really think Zoan awakening would be a mode tbh. The Jailor beasts were probably heavily experimented with tbh.
But there's the possibility that Jailor beasts were "half awakened" due to being experiments. Yet, their mode seemed to be completely different to regular hybrid as well, difficult to say honestly.

Nevertheless, the partially transformation could really be an awakening ability.
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