Strongest YC1

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It's just so ironic man, Sanji fans were hoping for an epic aerial battle (which ain't wrong ofc) but then Zoro apparently gets it and has a technique comparable to Sanji's signature timeskip PU.
I doubt zoro will use it more, i think he just used it to not fall of the island, i dont think its consistent like moonwalk but we shall see.
Dude stfu, none of your arguments makes even sense. You're just throwing random words together and hoping it to be true :milaugh:
It doesn't make sense to people like who has no brain. lol. That's the truth. Queen can't believe that Marco was alive. Which means, what ever King and Queen did has no effects on Marco. lol


Zoro Worshipper
Yes and it makes no sense in context. Luffy gave BM a symbolic punch so he would be drained and unable to fight back against the bmp
And like I said, even if this is off. If Sanji didn't carrying him away nothing is stopping her from one shotting him. Why would he deactivate it while not even fighting back
Luffy deactivated the G4 you can notice the fuming going off his mouth, that would not have made sense differently.


Kitetsu Wanker
So you think Kaido can't beat Zoro on his own and he need BM ?
Well, wasnt it the very reason why Zoro came to Onigashima to overthrow Kaido as World's Strongest? :goyea:
Luckily for Kaido, he had Big Mom on his side otherwise who knows what would have happened... fact, we will see it soon enough, as soon as Zoro is done with King. :cheers:
It doesn't make sense to people like who has no brain. lol. That's the truth. Queen can't believe that Marco was alive. Which means, what ever King and Queen did has no effects on Marco. lol
Queen or King wasn't even using any Hybrid or trying at all. Sanji made Queen Hybrid, King literary didn't even talk to Marco nor gave a fuck. Marco did fuck all but stall them, that was his literally only role and barely did any damage along with. In end Marco is so damaged and washed he needed his mate to save his ass from some fodder :suresure:
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