Strongest YC1

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Or he hasnt perfected it in Dressrosa, or...he needed to save his energy for ISDS so he cant propel himself and focus on ISDS preparation at the same time.

Well it still gives him aerial move tho
If he learnt this attack after dressrosa then why he needed law to teleport him up there to use hiryu ken against kaido? This is clearly a rare attack which he just came up with.
I know Marco role and I explained it to you and you want back on your own words and destroyed your whole argument btw you can go re read :myman:

You know Marco's role? You actually think Marco should beat King and because it didn't happen you trash Marco to hype King and eventually make Zoro look cool. lol


The Rogue Prince
Marco was just never meant to defeat King or Queen bcs those two were for Zoro and Sanji.

Marco was just a plot device to keep them busy
I mean I don't really scale King over Marco based off of that. Ill wait for more from King before doing that. The dude I was responding to, was scaling Marco over King based off of the same interaction and all he had were some bullshit excuses to support his headcanon.
You know Marco's role? You actually think Marco should beat King and because it didn't happen you trash Marco to hype King and eventually make Zoro look cool. lol
Are you that brainless? When did I say Marco has to beat King or Queen? My whole argument was based on he didn't do any significant damage as your headcannon seems to think? And as defensive? He took more damage to the point he had to get swapped by Zoro and saved by his mate :suresure:


Lazy is the way
Imagine using the fact King/Queen didn’t show hybrid on screen to shame Marco

Queen was using Hybrid against base Sanji like 10 minutes after the beginning of his fight. Oda just wanted to show the hybrid design for the SH fight.

Except if you think that Base Sanji « pushed » Queen into his hybrid form lol
So by your logic, let's do minimal damage and help least as possible in offence against two main forces of Beast Pirates because he wants Zoro the guy who he sent to roof and Sanji who showed up our of nowhere to take over? :kata:

No one said about minimal damage. It is just you Zorotards who act like when I say support, he is only limited to minimal damage. Are you literally going to ignore Marco saying "I have done my part. It's time for the stars to take the stage." That is an obvious representation of how he view the events of war. lol


Lazy is the way
Are you that brainless? When did I say Marco has to beat King or Queen? My whole argument was based on he didn't do any significant damage as your headcannon seems to think? And as defensive? He took more damage to the point he had to get swapped by Zoro and saved by his mate :suresure:
Quit the names pls
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